FPN_Tensorflow icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FPN_Tensorflow copied to clipboard


Open yezi2949 opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

ERROR: tools.test.test

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 198, in runTest self.test(*self.arg) TypeError: test() missing 1 required positional argument: 'img_num' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient at 0x7fa80df94ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient at 0x7fa80de70d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient at 0x7fa80deae488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul,flops (<function _calc_mat_mul_flops at 0x7fa80dc73598>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AccumulateNV2 (<function _accumulate_n_grad at 0x7fa80dc750d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering cond_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef'>, <function CondContext.to_proto at 0x7fa80dbc7950>, <function CondContext.from_proto at 0x7fa80dbc79d8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering while_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef'>, <function WhileContext.to_proto at 0x7fa80dbc97b8>, <function WhileContext.from_proto at 0x7fa80dbc98c8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReadVariableOp (<function _ReadGrad at 0x7fa80dafc0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResourceGather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x7fa80dafc2f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering trainable_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering moving_average_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering local_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering model_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering global_step ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomStandardNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParameterizedTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Multinomial (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomGamma (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pack (<function _PackGrad at 0x7fa8a5e22158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unpack (<function _UnpackGrad at 0x7fa8a5dda950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Concat (<function _ConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatV2 (<function _ConcatGradV2 at 0x7fa8a5ddaae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatOffset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Slice (<function _SliceGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddab70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSlice (<function _StridedSliceGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddabf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSliceGrad (<function _StridedSliceGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddac80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Split (<function _SplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddad08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SplitV (<function _SplitVGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddad90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Const (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Diag (<function _DiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddae18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DiagPart (<function _DiagPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiag (<function _MatrixDiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaf28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiagPart (<function _MatrixDiagPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSetDiag (<function _MatrixSetDiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5df20d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixBandPart (<function _MatrixBandPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EditDistance (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fill (<function _FillGrad at 0x7fa8a5df21e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZerosLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OnesLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PreventGradient (<function _PreventGradientGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Gather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5df22f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherV2 (<function _GatherV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df2378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherNd (<function _GatherNdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CheckNumerics (<function _CheckNumericsGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Identity (<function _IdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PlaceholderWithDefault (<function _IdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefIdentity (<function _RefIdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityN (<function _IdNGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StopGradient (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reshape (<function _ReshapeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df26a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvertPermutation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExpandDims (<function _ExpandDimsGrad at 0x7fa8a5df27b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Squeeze (<function _SqueezeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Transpose (<function _TransposeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df28c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConjugateTranspose (<function _ConjugateTransposeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Shape (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShapeN (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rank (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Size (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tile (<function _TileGrad at 0x7fa8a5df29d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BroadcastGradientArgs (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pad (<function _PadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PadV2 (<function _PadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseSequence (<function _ReverseSequenceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reverse (<function _ReverseGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseV2 (<function _ReverseV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df2bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatch (<function _SpaceToBatchGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatchND (<function _SpaceToBatchNDGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpace (<function _BatchToSpaceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpaceND (<function _BatchToSpaceNDGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToDepth (<function _SpaceToDepthGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthToSpace (<function _DepthToSpaceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OneHot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPad (<function _MirrorPadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPadGrad (<function _MirrorPadGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5df70d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantize (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df71e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV3 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV3Grad at 0x7fa8a5df7268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractImagePatches (<function _ExtractImagePatchesGrad at 0x7fa8a5df72f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNd (<function _ScatterNdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd (<function _ScatterNdNonAliasingAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicPartition (<function _DynamicPartitionGrads at 0x7fa8a5df7510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParallelDynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x7fa8a5d99bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x7fa8a5d99bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Queue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Stack (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPush (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandle (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandleV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DeleteSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Roll (<function _RollGrad at 0x7fa8a5d99c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMax (<function _ArgMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMin (<function _ArgMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum (<function _SumGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Max (<function _MaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Min (<function _MinGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean (<function _MeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Prod (<function _ProdGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentSum (<function _SegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMean (<function _SegmentMeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSum (<function _SparseSegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f1e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMean (<function _SparseSegmentMeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f2f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtN (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMin (<function _SegmentMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMax (<function _SegmentMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentSum (<function _UnsortedSegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f7b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMax (<function _UnsortedSegmentMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMin (<function _UnsortedSegmentMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f8c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentProd (<function _UnsortedSegmentProdGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Abs (<function _AbsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg (<function _NegGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Inv (<function _InvGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal (<function _ReciprocalGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fb70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvGrad (<function _InvGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReciprocalGrad (<function _ReciprocalGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square (<function _SquareGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sqrt (<function _SqrtGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SqrtGrad (<function _SqrtGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt (<function _RsqrtGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad (<function _RsqrtGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4ff28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exp (<function _ExpGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Expm1 (<function _Expm1Grad at 0x7fa8a5d510d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log (<function _LogGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log1p (<function _Log1pGrad at 0x7fa8a5d511e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sinh (<function _SinhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cosh (<function _CoshGrad at 0x7fa8a5d512f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tanh (<function _TanhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asinh (<function _AsinhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acosh (<function _AcoshGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atanh (<function _AtanhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TanhGrad (<function _TanhGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erf (<function _ErfGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erfc (<function _ErfcGrad at 0x7fa8a5d516a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Lgamma (<function _LgammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Digamma (<function _DigammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d517b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igamma (<function _IgammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igammac (<function _IgammacGrad at 0x7fa8a5d518c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Betainc (<function _BetaincGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Zeta (<function _ZetaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d519d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Polygamma (<function _PolygammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sigmoid (<function _SigmoidGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SigmoidGrad (<function _SigmoidGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sign (<function _SignGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sin (<function _SinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cos (<function _CosGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51d08>) in gradient.

Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/qzhang/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/unittest/case.py", line 59, in testPartExecutor yield File "/home/qzhang/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/unittest/case.py", line 601, in run testMethod() File "/home/qzhang/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nose/case.py", line 198, in runTest self.test(*self.arg) Exception: test() missing 1 required positional argument: 'img_num' -------------------- >> begin captured logging << -------------------- tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgsGradient at 0x7fa80df94ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsGradient at 0x7fa80de70d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel (<function _FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannelGradient at 0x7fa80deae488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul,flops (<function _calc_mat_mul_flops at 0x7fa80dc73598>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AccumulateNV2 (<function _accumulate_n_grad at 0x7fa80dc750d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering cond_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.CondContextDef'>, <function CondContext.to_proto at 0x7fa80dbc7950>, <function CondContext.from_proto at 0x7fa80dbc79d8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering while_context ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.control_flow_pb2.WhileContextDef'>, <function WhileContext.to_proto at 0x7fa80dbc97b8>, <function WhileContext.from_proto at 0x7fa80dbc98c8>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReadVariableOp (<function _ReadGrad at 0x7fa80dafc0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResourceGather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x7fa80dafc2f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering trainable_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering moving_average_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering local_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering model_variables ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering global_step ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc400>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomStandardNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParameterizedTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Multinomial (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomGamma (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pack (<function _PackGrad at 0x7fa8a5e22158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unpack (<function _UnpackGrad at 0x7fa8a5dda950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Concat (<function _ConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatV2 (<function _ConcatGradV2 at 0x7fa8a5ddaae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConcatOffset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Slice (<function _SliceGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddab70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSlice (<function _StridedSliceGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddabf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StridedSliceGrad (<function _StridedSliceGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddac80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Split (<function _SplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddad08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SplitV (<function _SplitVGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddad90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Const (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Diag (<function _DiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddae18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DiagPart (<function _DiagPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiag (<function _MatrixDiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5ddaf28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDiagPart (<function _MatrixDiagPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSetDiag (<function _MatrixSetDiagGrad at 0x7fa8a5df20d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixBandPart (<function _MatrixBandPartGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EditDistance (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fill (<function _FillGrad at 0x7fa8a5df21e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZerosLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OnesLike (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PreventGradient (<function _PreventGradientGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Gather (<function _GatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5df22f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherV2 (<function _GatherV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df2378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherNd (<function _GatherNdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CheckNumerics (<function _CheckNumericsGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Identity (<function _IdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PlaceholderWithDefault (<function _IdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefIdentity (<function _RefIdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityN (<function _IdNGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StopGradient (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reshape (<function _ReshapeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df26a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvertPermutation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExpandDims (<function _ExpandDimsGrad at 0x7fa8a5df27b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Squeeze (<function _SqueezeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Transpose (<function _TransposeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df28c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConjugateTranspose (<function _ConjugateTransposeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Shape (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShapeN (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rank (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Size (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tile (<function _TileGrad at 0x7fa8a5df29d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BroadcastGradientArgs (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pad (<function _PadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PadV2 (<function _PadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseSequence (<function _ReverseSequenceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reverse (<function _ReverseGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReverseV2 (<function _ReverseV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df2bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatch (<function _SpaceToBatchGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToBatchND (<function _SpaceToBatchNDGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpace (<function _BatchToSpaceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchToSpaceND (<function _BatchToSpaceNDGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SpaceToDepth (<function _SpaceToDepthGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthToSpace (<function _DepthToSpaceGrad at 0x7fa8a5df2f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OneHot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPad (<function _MirrorPadGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MirrorPadGrad (<function _MirrorPadGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5df70d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantize (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV2 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5df71e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QuantizeAndDequantizeV3 (<function _QuantizeAndDequantizeV3Grad at 0x7fa8a5df7268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractImagePatches (<function _ExtractImagePatchesGrad at 0x7fa8a5df72f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNd (<function _ScatterNdGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd (<function _ScatterNdNonAliasingAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5df7400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicPartition (<function _DynamicPartitionGrads at 0x7fa8a5df7510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParallelDynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x7fa8a5d99bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DynamicStitch (<function _DynamicStitchGrads at 0x7fa8a5d99bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Queue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueEnqueueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeue (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueMany (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueDequeueUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering QueueSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Stack (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPush (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackPop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StackClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandle (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionHandleV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GetSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DeleteSessionTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Roll (<function _RollGrad at 0x7fa8a5d99c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMax (<function _ArgMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMin (<function _ArgMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum (<function _SumGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Max (<function _MaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Min (<function _MinGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean (<function _MeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5da8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Prod (<function _ProdGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentSum (<function _SegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMean (<function _SegmentMeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSum (<function _SparseSegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f1e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMean (<function _SparseSegmentMeanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f2f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtN (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments (<function _SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegmentsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMin (<function _SegmentMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SegmentMax (<function _SegmentMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentSum (<function _UnsortedSegmentSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f7b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMax (<function _UnsortedSegmentMaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentMin (<function _UnsortedSegmentMinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f8c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UnsortedSegmentProd (<function _UnsortedSegmentProdGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Abs (<function _AbsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4f9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg (<function _NegGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Inv (<function _InvGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal (<function _ReciprocalGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fb70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InvGrad (<function _InvGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReciprocalGrad (<function _ReciprocalGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square (<function _SquareGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sqrt (<function _SqrtGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SqrtGrad (<function _SqrtGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt (<function _RsqrtGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad (<function _RsqrtGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d4ff28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exp (<function _ExpGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Expm1 (<function _Expm1Grad at 0x7fa8a5d510d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log (<function _LogGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log1p (<function _Log1pGrad at 0x7fa8a5d511e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sinh (<function _SinhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cosh (<function _CoshGrad at 0x7fa8a5d512f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tanh (<function _TanhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asinh (<function _AsinhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acosh (<function _AcoshGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atanh (<function _AtanhGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TanhGrad (<function _TanhGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erf (<function _ErfGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Erfc (<function _ErfcGrad at 0x7fa8a5d516a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Lgamma (<function _LgammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Digamma (<function _DigammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d517b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igamma (<function _IgammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Igammac (<function _IgammacGrad at 0x7fa8a5d518c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Betainc (<function _BetaincGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Zeta (<function _ZetaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d519d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Polygamma (<function _PolygammaGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sigmoid (<function _SigmoidGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SigmoidGrad (<function _SigmoidGradGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sign (<function _SignGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sin (<function _SinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cos (<function _CosGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tan (<function _TanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asin (<function _AsinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acos (<function _AcosGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan (<function _AtanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan2 (<function _Atan2Grad at 0x7fa8a5d56048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN (<function _AddNGrad at 0x7fa8a5d560d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add (<function _AddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d561e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub (<function _SubGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul (<function _MulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d562f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Div (<function _DivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorDiv (<function _FloorDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorMod (<function _FloorModGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncateDiv (<function _TruncateDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv (<function _RealDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow (<function _PowGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum (<function _MaximumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum (<function _MinimumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d567b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference (<function _SquaredDifferenceGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ApproximateEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalNot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Select (<function _SelectGrad at 0x7fa8a5d568c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul (<function _MatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseMatMul (<function _SparseMatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d569d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Floor (<function _FloorGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Ceil (<function _CeilGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Round (<function _RoundGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rint (<function _RintGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchMatMul (<function _BatchMatMul at 0x7fa8a5d56c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Range (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LinSpace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Complex (<function _ComplexGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Real (<function _RealGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Imag (<function _ImagGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Angle (<function _AngleGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conj (<function _ConjGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ComplexAbs (<function _ComplexAbsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cast (<function _CastGrad at 0x7fa8a5d580d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cross (<function _CrossGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumsum (<function _CumsumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d581e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumprod (<function _CumprodGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAddGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseConcat (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToDense (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReorder (<function _SparseReorderGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAdd (<function _SparseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseAdd (<function _SparseTensorDenseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReduceSum (<function _SparseReduceSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseMatMul (<function _SparseTensorDenseMatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseAdd (<function _SparseDenseCwiseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseMul (<function _SparseDenseCwiseMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseDiv (<function _SparseDenseCwiseDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmax (<function _SparseSoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMaximum (<function _SparseSparseMaximumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d63048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMinimum (<function _SparseSparseMinimumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d630d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFillEmptyRows (<function _SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d63158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT (<function _FFTGrad at 0x7fa8a5d639d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT (<function _IFFTGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT2D (<function _FFT2DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT2D (<function _IFFT2DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT3D (<function _FFT3DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f1e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT3D (<function _IFFT3DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT2D (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT2D (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Assign (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdUpdate (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArray (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV3 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV2 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayRead (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV3 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV2 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWrite (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV3 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV2 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGather (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV3 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV2 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatter (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV3 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV2 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcat (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV3 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV2 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplit (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ClipByValue (<function _ClipByValueGrad at 0x7fa8a5cfd158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Switch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x7fa8a5d27400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefSwitch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x7fa8a5d27400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Merge (<function _MergeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca7b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefMerge (<function _RefMergeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefExit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NextIteration (<function _NextIterationGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefNextIteration (<function _RefNextIterationGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccaae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Enter (<function _EnterGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccab70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefEnter (<function _RefEnterGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccabf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoopCond (<function _LoopCondGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccac80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeNearestNeighbor (<function _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccaa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBilinear (<function _ResizeBilinearGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf98c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBicubic (<function _ResizeBicubicGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf99d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CropAndResize (<function _CropAndResizeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf9a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixInverse (<function _MatrixInverseGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf9c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDeterminant (<function _MatrixDeterminantGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cholesky (<function _CholeskyGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Qr (<function _QrGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolve (<function _MatrixSolveGrad at 0x7fa8a5c956a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolveLs (<function _MatrixSolveLsGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixTriangularSolve (<function _MatrixTriangularSolveGrad at 0x7fa8a5c957b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SelfAdjointEigV2 (<function _SelfAdjointEigV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5c95840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Svd (<function _SvdGrad at 0x7fa8a5c958c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Print (<function _PrintGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HistogramSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummaryV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MergeSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScalarSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Timestamp (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRead (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReadUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumRecordsProduced (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderSerializeState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRestoreState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WholeFileReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TextLineReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FixedLengthRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TFRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LMDBReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RegexReplace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucket (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketFast (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketStrong (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReduceJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringSplit (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AsString (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFind (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFindV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsertV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFile (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensors (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeRaw (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParseTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SerializeTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToNumber (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFunc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFuncStateless (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D,flops (<function _calc_conv_flops at 0x7fa8a5831f28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative,flops (<function _calc_depthwise_conv_flops at 0x7fa8a5824b70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd,flops (<function _calc_bias_add_flops at 0x7fa8a5824bf8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D,flops (<function _calc_dilation2d_flops at 0x7fa8a57e5268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput (<function _Conv2DBackpropInputGrad at 0x7fa8a58a52f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter (<function _Conv2DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3D (<function _Conv3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropInputV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropInputGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3D (<function _AvgPool3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3DGrad (<function _AvgPool3DGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e56a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3D (<function _MaxPool3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e57b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGradGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax (<function _SoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a57e58c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogSoftmax (<function _LogSoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd (<function _BiasAddGrad at 0x7fa8a57e59d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad (<function _BiasAddGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddV1 (<function _BiasAddGradV1 at 0x7fa8a57e5ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu (<function _ReluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EluGrad (<function _EluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SeluGrad (<function _SeluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6 (<function _Relu6Grad at 0x7fa8a57e5d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6Grad (<function _Relu6GradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Elu (<function _EluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Selu (<function _SeluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softplus (<function _SoftplusGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftplusGrad (<function _SoftplusGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softsign (<function _SoftsignGrad at 0x7fa8a57e80d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReluGrad (<function _ReluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x7fa8a57e82f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D (<function _Conv2DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative (<function _DepthwiseConv2dNativeGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D (<function _Dilation2DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LRN (<function _LRNGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool (<function _AvgPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad (<function _AvgPoolGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool (<function _MaxPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e86a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolV2 (<function _MaxPoolGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e8730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolWithArgmax (<function _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax at 0x7fa8a57e87b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradV2 (<function _MaxPoolGradGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e88c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalMaxPool (<function _FractionalMaxPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e89d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalAvgPool (<function _FractionalAvgPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization (<function _BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNorm (<function _FusedBatchNormGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormV2 (<function _FusedBatchNormV2Grad at 0x7fa8a57e8c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormGrad (<function _FusedBatchNormGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormGradV2 (<function _FusedBatchNormGradGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e8e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss (<function _L2LossGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopKV2 (<function _TopKGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopK (<function _TopKGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NthElement (<function _NthElementGrad at 0x7fa8a57ec048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCLoss (<function _CTCLossGrad at 0x7fa8a57ec0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCGreedyDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCBeamSearchDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomCrop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RGBToHSV (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HSVToRGB (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DrawBoundingBoxes (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBox (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractGlimpse (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppression (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppressionV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SetSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToDenseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering queue_runners ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef'>, <function QueueRunner.to_proto at 0x7fa88c13ce18>, <function QueueRunner.from_proto at 0x7fa88c13cea0>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering savers ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.saver_pb2.SaverDef'>, <function Saver.to_proto at 0x7fa88c0bd2f0>, <function Saver.from_proto at 0x7fa88c0bd378>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaFprint (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaOptimizer (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaShrinkL1 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GenerateVocabRemapping (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoadAndRemapMatrix (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseXor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Invert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PopulationCount (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LeftShift (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RightShift (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal,flops (<function _reciprocal_flops at 0x7fa801717e18>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square,flops (<function _square_flops at 0x7fa8016c0c80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt,flops (<function _rsqrt_flops at 0x7fa8016c0d90>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log,flops (<function _log_flops at 0x7fa8016c0e18>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg,flops (<function _neg_flops at 0x7fa8016c0ea0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub,flops (<function _assign_sub_flops at 0x7fa8016c0f28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd,flops (<function _assign_add_flops at 0x7fa80165e048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss,flops (<function _l2_loss_flops at 0x7fa80165e0d0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax,flops (<function _softmax_flops at 0x7fa80165e158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add,flops (<function _add_flops at 0x7fa80165e268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub,flops (<function _sub_flops at 0x7fa80165e2f0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul,flops (<function _mul_flops at 0x7fa80165e378>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv,flops (<function _real_div_flops at 0x7fa80165e400>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum,flops (<function _maximum_flops at 0x7fa80165e488>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum,flops (<function _minimum_flops at 0x7fa80165e510>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow,flops (<function _pow_flops at 0x7fa80165e598>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad,flops (<function _rsqrt_grad_flops at 0x7fa80165e620>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual,flops (<function _greater_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e6a8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater,flops (<function _greater_flops at 0x7fa80165e730>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual,flops (<function _less_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e7b8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less,flops (<function _less_flops at 0x7fa80165e840>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal,flops (<function _equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e8c8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual,flops (<function _not_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e950>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference,flops (<function _squared_difference_flops at 0x7fa80165e9d8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean,flops (<function _mean_flops at 0x7fa80165eae8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum,flops (<function _sum_flops at 0x7fa80165eb70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMax,flops (<function _arg_max_flops at 0x7fa80165ebf8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMin,flops (<function _arg_min_flops at 0x7fa80165ec80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad,flops (<function _bias_add_grad_flops at 0x7fa80165ed08>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool,flops (<function _avg_pool_flops at 0x7fa80165eea0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool,flops (<function _max_pool_flops at 0x7fa80165ef28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad,flops (<function _avg_pool_grad_flops at 0x7fa801663048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad,flops (<function _max_pool_grad_flops at 0x7fa8016630d0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput,flops (<function _conv_2d_backprop_input_flops at 0x7fa801663158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter,flops (<function _conv_2d_backprop_filter_flops at 0x7fa8016631e0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN,flops (<function _add_n_flops at 0x7fa801663268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fact (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Batch (<function _BatchGrad at 0x7fa8016192f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unbatch (<function _UnbatchGrad at 0x7fa8015a8488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BigQueryReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RangeDecode (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RangeEncode (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCell (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCellGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCell (<function _GRUBlockCellGrad at 0x7fa801264950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTM (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTMGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCell (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCellGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCell (<function _LSTMBlockCellGrad at 0x7fa801294f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTM (<function _BlockLSTMGrad at 0x7fa801231048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZeroInitializer (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCross (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCrossV2 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCross (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCrossV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GDNLowerBound (<function GDN._lower_bound_grad at 0x7fa8004d7e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNN (<function _cudnn_rnn_backward at 0x7fa7fe5ecbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNParamsSize (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNParamsToCanonical (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNCanonicalToParams (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNN (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNBackprop (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IgnoreErrorsDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UniqueDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IteratorGetDevice (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResource (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResourceGetNext (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResourceReset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ThreadPoolDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ThreadPoolHandle (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclAllReduce (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclBroadcast (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclReduce (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclReduceSend (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclReduceRecv (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclBroadcastSend (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclBroadcastRecv (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclAllReduce (<function _all_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclReduce (<function _reduce_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclBroadcast (<function _broadcast_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ObtainNext (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering hparams ((<class 'tensorflow.contrib.training.python.training.hparam_pb2.HParamDef'>, <function HParams.to_proto at 0x7fa7fb42e510>, <function HParams.from_proto at 0x7fa7fb42e598>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering KMC2ChainInitialization (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering KmeansPlusPlusInitialization (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NearestNeighbors (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaskedMatmul (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WALSComputePartialLhsAndRhs (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConfigureDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CrossReplicaSum (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedDequeue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedDequeueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedEnqueue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedEnqueueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedDequeue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedDequeueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedEnqueue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedEnqueueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SessionStatus (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShutdownDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingActivations (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingSendGradients (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicate (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicateMetadata (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicatedInput (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicatedOutput (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _XlaSendFromHost (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _XlaRecvAtHost (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _ConfigureDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _WaitForDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _SetGlobalTPUArray (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _ShutdownDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _InitializeHostForDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CrossReplicaSum (<function _cross_replica_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fadcc400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering tpu_estimator_iterations_per_loop ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa8a5695e18>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AdjustHsvInYiq (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BipartiteMatch (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function _image_projective_transform_grad at 0x7fa7fa8a1b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BipartiteMatch (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SingleImageRandomDotStereograms (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SingleImageRandomDotStereograms (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BytesInUse (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BytesLimit (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxBytesInUse (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PeriodicResample (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeProtoV2 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeProtoV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeProto (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeProto (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FoldFusedBatchNormGrad (<function _FoldFusedBatchNormGrad at 0x7fa7f99bebf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Resampler (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResamplerGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Resampler (<function _resampler_grad at 0x7fa7f96ead90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResamplerGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rpc (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TryRpc (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rpc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TryRpc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherTree (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomNormal (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomUniform (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessTruncatedNormal (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReinterpretStringToFloat (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAddNdim (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CreateTreeVariable (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecisionTreeResourceHandleOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FeatureUsageCounts (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TraverseTreeV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeDeserialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeIsInitializedOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreePredictionsV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSerialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UpdateModelV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeVariable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSerialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeDeserialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreePredictionsV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FeatureUsageCounts (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CreateFertileStatsVariable (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsDeserialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsIsInitializedOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsResourceHandleOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsSerialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FinalizeTree (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GrowTreeV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ProcessInputV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsVariable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsSerialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsDeserialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GrowTreeV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ProcessInputV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FinalizeTree (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RemoteFusedGraphExecute (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RemoteFusedGraphExecute (None) in gradient. --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Tan (<function _TanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Asin (<function _AsinGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Acos (<function _AcosGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan (<function _AtanGrad at 0x7fa8a5d51f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Atan2 (<function _Atan2Grad at 0x7fa8a5d56048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN (<function _AddNGrad at 0x7fa8a5d560d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add (<function _AddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d561e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub (<function _SubGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul (<function _MulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d562f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Div (<function _DivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorDiv (<function _FloorDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FloorMod (<function _FloorModGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TruncateDiv (<function _TruncateDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv (<function _RealDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow (<function _PowGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum (<function _MaximumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum (<function _MinimumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d567b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference (<function _SquaredDifferenceGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ApproximateEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogicalNot (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Select (<function _SelectGrad at 0x7fa8a5d568c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatMul (<function _MatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseMatMul (<function _SparseMatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d569d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Floor (<function _FloorGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Ceil (<function _CeilGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Round (<function _RoundGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rint (<function _RintGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchMatMul (<function _BatchMatMul at 0x7fa8a5d56c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Range (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LinSpace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Complex (<function _ComplexGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Real (<function _RealGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Imag (<function _ImagGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Angle (<function _AngleGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conj (<function _ConjGrad at 0x7fa8a5d56f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ComplexAbs (<function _ComplexAbsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cast (<function _CastGrad at 0x7fa8a5d580d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cross (<function _CrossGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumsum (<function _CumsumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d581e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cumprod (<function _CumprodGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAddGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseConcat (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToDense (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReorder (<function _SparseReorderGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseAdd (<function _SparseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseAdd (<function _SparseTensorDenseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseReduceSum (<function _SparseReduceSumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseTensorDenseMatMul (<function _SparseTensorDenseMatMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseAdd (<function _SparseDenseCwiseAddGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseMul (<function _SparseDenseCwiseMulGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseDenseCwiseDiv (<function _SparseDenseCwiseDivGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmax (<function _SparseSoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a5d58f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMaximum (<function _SparseSparseMaximumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d63048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSparseMinimum (<function _SparseSparseMinimumGrad at 0x7fa8a5d630d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFillEmptyRows (<function _SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad at 0x7fa8a5d63158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT (<function _FFTGrad at 0x7fa8a5d639d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT (<function _IFFTGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT2D (<function _FFT2DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT2D (<function _IFFT2DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FFT3D (<function _FFT3DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f1e0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IFFT3D (<function _IFFT3DGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6f268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RFFT2D (<function _RFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IRFFT2D (<function _IRFFTGradHelper.._Grad at 0x7fa8a5d6f598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Assign (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdUpdate (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdAdd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdSub (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdMul (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterNdDiv (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArray (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayClose (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGradV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySizeV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayCloseV3 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV3 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayReadV2 (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayRead (<function _TensorArrayReadGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV3 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWriteV2 (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayWrite (<function _TensorArrayWriteGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fc80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV3 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGatherV2 (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayGather (<function _TensorArrayGatherGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV3 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatterV2 (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayScatter (<function _TensorArrayScatterGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fd90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV3 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcatV2 (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArrayConcat (<function _TensorArrayConcatGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fe18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV3 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplitV2 (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorArraySplit (<function _TensorArraySplitGrad at 0x7fa8a5d6fea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ClipByValue (<function _ClipByValueGrad at 0x7fa8a5cfd158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Switch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x7fa8a5d27400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefSwitch (<function _SwitchGrad at 0x7fa8a5d27400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Merge (<function _MergeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca7b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefMerge (<function _RefMergeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Exit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefExit (<function _ExitGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca9d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NextIteration (<function _NextIterationGrad at 0x7fa8a5cca840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefNextIteration (<function _RefNextIterationGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccaae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Enter (<function _EnterGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccab70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RefEnter (<function _RefEnterGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccabf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoopCond (<function _LoopCondGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccac80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeNearestNeighbor (<function _ResizeNearestNeighborGrad at 0x7fa8a5ccaa60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBilinear (<function _ResizeBilinearGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf98c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResizeBicubic (<function _ResizeBicubicGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf99d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CropAndResize (<function _CropAndResizeGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf9a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixInverse (<function _MatrixInverseGrad at 0x7fa8a5cf9c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixDeterminant (<function _MatrixDeterminantGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Cholesky (<function _CholeskyGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Qr (<function _QrGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolve (<function _MatrixSolveGrad at 0x7fa8a5c956a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixSolveLs (<function _MatrixSolveLsGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MatrixTriangularSolve (<function _MatrixTriangularSolveGrad at 0x7fa8a5c957b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SelfAdjointEigV2 (<function _SelfAdjointEigV2Grad at 0x7fa8a5c95840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Svd (<function _SvdGrad at 0x7fa8a5c958c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Print (<function _PrintGrad at 0x7fa8a5c95b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HistogramSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AudioSummaryV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MergeSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScalarSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Timestamp (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRead (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReadUpTo (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumRecordsProduced (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderSerializeState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderRestoreState (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReaderReset (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WholeFileReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TextLineReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FixedLengthRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TFRecordReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LMDBReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IdentityReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RegexReplace (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucket (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketFast (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToHashBucketStrong (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReduceJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringJoin (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringSplit (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AsString (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeBase64 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFind (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableFindV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableInsertV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LookupTableSizeV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFile (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InitializeTableFromTextFileV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableDenseHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensors (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeRaw (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ParseTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SerializeTensor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StringToNumber (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFunc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PyFuncStateless (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D,flops (<function _calc_conv_flops at 0x7fa8a5831f28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative,flops (<function _calc_depthwise_conv_flops at 0x7fa8a5824b70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd,flops (<function _calc_bias_add_flops at 0x7fa8a5824bf8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D,flops (<function _calc_dilation2d_flops at 0x7fa8a57e5268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput (<function _Conv2DBackpropInputGrad at 0x7fa8a58a52f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter (<function _Conv2DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3D (<function _Conv3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropInputV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropInputGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv3DBackpropFilterV2 (<function _Conv3DBackpropFilterGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3D (<function _AvgPool3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool3DGrad (<function _AvgPool3DGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e56a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3D (<function _MaxPool3DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e57b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool3DGradGrad (<function _MaxPool3DGradGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax (<function _SoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a57e58c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LogSoftmax (<function _LogSoftmaxGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAdd (<function _BiasAddGrad at 0x7fa8a57e59d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad (<function _BiasAddGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddV1 (<function _BiasAddGradV1 at 0x7fa8a57e5ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu (<function _ReluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EluGrad (<function _EluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SeluGrad (<function _SeluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6 (<function _Relu6Grad at 0x7fa8a57e5d08>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Relu6Grad (<function _Relu6GradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Elu (<function _EluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Selu (<function _SeluGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softplus (<function _SoftplusGrad at 0x7fa8a57e5f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftplusGrad (<function _SoftplusGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softsign (<function _SoftsignGrad at 0x7fa8a57e80d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReluGrad (<function _ReluGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8268>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits (<function _SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogitsGrad at 0x7fa8a57e82f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2D (<function _Conv2DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8378>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DepthwiseConv2dNative (<function _DepthwiseConv2dNativeGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Dilation2D (<function _Dilation2DGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LRN (<function _LRNGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool (<function _AvgPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8598>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad (<function _AvgPoolGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8620>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool (<function _MaxPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e86a8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolV2 (<function _MaxPoolGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e8730>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolWithArgmax (<function _MaxPoolGradWithArgmax at 0x7fa8a57e87b8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8840>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradV2 (<function _MaxPoolGradGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e88c8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGradGrad (<function _MaxPoolGradGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalMaxPool (<function _FractionalMaxPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e89d8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FractionalAvgPool (<function _FractionalAvgPoolGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8a60>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization (<function _BatchNormWithGlobalNormalizationGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8ae8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNorm (<function _FusedBatchNormGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8bf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormV2 (<function _FusedBatchNormV2Grad at 0x7fa8a57e8c80>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormGrad (<function _FusedBatchNormGradGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8d90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FusedBatchNormGradV2 (<function _FusedBatchNormGradGradV2 at 0x7fa8a57e8e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss (<function _L2LossGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8ea0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopKV2 (<function _TopKGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TopK (<function _TopKGrad at 0x7fa8a57e8f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NthElement (<function _NthElementGrad at 0x7fa8a57ec048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCLoss (<function _CTCLossGrad at 0x7fa8a57ec0d0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCGreedyDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CTCBeamSearchDecoder (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RandomCrop (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RGBToHSV (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering HSVToRGB (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DrawBoundingBoxes (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBox (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ExtractGlimpse (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppression (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NonMaxSuppressionV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SetSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToDenseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DenseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseToSparseSetOperation (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TensorSummary (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering queue_runners ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef'>, <function QueueRunner.to_proto at 0x7fa88c13ce18>, <function QueueRunner.from_proto at 0x7fa88c13cea0>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering savers ((<class 'tensorflow.core.protobuf.saver_pb2.SaverDef'>, <function Saver.to_proto at 0x7fa88c0bd2f0>, <function Saver.from_proto at 0x7fa88c0bd378>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaFprint (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaOptimizer (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SdcaShrinkL1 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GenerateVocabRemapping (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LoadAndRemapMatrix (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseAnd (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseOr (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BitwiseXor (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Invert (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PopulationCount (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LeftShift (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RightShift (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Reciprocal,flops (<function _reciprocal_flops at 0x7fa801717e18>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Square,flops (<function _square_flops at 0x7fa8016c0c80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rsqrt,flops (<function _rsqrt_flops at 0x7fa8016c0d90>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Log,flops (<function _log_flops at 0x7fa8016c0e18>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Neg,flops (<function _neg_flops at 0x7fa8016c0ea0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignSub,flops (<function _assign_sub_flops at 0x7fa8016c0f28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AssignAdd,flops (<function _assign_add_flops at 0x7fa80165e048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering L2Loss,flops (<function _l2_loss_flops at 0x7fa80165e0d0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Softmax,flops (<function _softmax_flops at 0x7fa80165e158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Add,flops (<function _add_flops at 0x7fa80165e268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sub,flops (<function _sub_flops at 0x7fa80165e2f0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mul,flops (<function _mul_flops at 0x7fa80165e378>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RealDiv,flops (<function _real_div_flops at 0x7fa80165e400>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Maximum,flops (<function _maximum_flops at 0x7fa80165e488>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Minimum,flops (<function _minimum_flops at 0x7fa80165e510>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Pow,flops (<function _pow_flops at 0x7fa80165e598>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RsqrtGrad,flops (<function _rsqrt_grad_flops at 0x7fa80165e620>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GreaterEqual,flops (<function _greater_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e6a8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Greater,flops (<function _greater_flops at 0x7fa80165e730>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LessEqual,flops (<function _less_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e7b8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Less,flops (<function _less_flops at 0x7fa80165e840>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Equal,flops (<function _equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e8c8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NotEqual,flops (<function _not_equal_flops at 0x7fa80165e950>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SquaredDifference,flops (<function _squared_difference_flops at 0x7fa80165e9d8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Mean,flops (<function _mean_flops at 0x7fa80165eae8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Sum,flops (<function _sum_flops at 0x7fa80165eb70>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMax,flops (<function _arg_max_flops at 0x7fa80165ebf8>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ArgMin,flops (<function _arg_min_flops at 0x7fa80165ec80>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BiasAddGrad,flops (<function _bias_add_grad_flops at 0x7fa80165ed08>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPool,flops (<function _avg_pool_flops at 0x7fa80165eea0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPool,flops (<function _max_pool_flops at 0x7fa80165ef28>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AvgPoolGrad,flops (<function _avg_pool_grad_flops at 0x7fa801663048>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxPoolGrad,flops (<function _max_pool_grad_flops at 0x7fa8016630d0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropInput,flops (<function _conv_2d_backprop_input_flops at 0x7fa801663158>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Conv2DBackpropFilter,flops (<function _conv_2d_backprop_filter_flops at 0x7fa8016631e0>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AddN,flops (<function _add_n_flops at 0x7fa801663268>) in statistical functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Fact (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Batch (<function _BatchGrad at 0x7fa8016192f0>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Unbatch (<function _UnbatchGrad at 0x7fa8015a8488>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BigQueryReader (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RangeDecode (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RangeEncode (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCell (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCellGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GRUBlockCell (<function _GRUBlockCellGrad at 0x7fa801264950>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTM (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTMGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCell (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCellGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering LSTMBlockCell (<function _LSTMBlockCellGrad at 0x7fa801294f28>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BlockLSTM (<function _BlockLSTMGrad at 0x7fa801231048>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ZeroInitializer (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCross (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCrossV2 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCross (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SparseFeatureCrossV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GDNLowerBound (<function GDN._lower_bound_grad at 0x7fa8004d7e18>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNN (<function _cudnn_rnn_backward at 0x7fa7fe5ecbf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNParamsSize (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNParamsToCanonical (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNCanonicalToParams (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNN (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CudnnRNNBackprop (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IgnoreErrorsDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UniqueDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering IteratorGetDevice (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResource (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResourceGetNext (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FunctionBufferingResourceReset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ThreadPoolDataset (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ThreadPoolHandle (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclAllReduce (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclBroadcast (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclReduce (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclReduceSend (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclReduceRecv (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclBroadcastSend (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _NcclBroadcastRecv (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclAllReduce (<function _all_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5158>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclReduce (<function _reduce_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NcclBroadcast (<function _broadcast_grad at 0x7fa7fe2d5510>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ObtainNext (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering hparams ((<class 'tensorflow.contrib.training.python.training.hparam_pb2.HParamDef'>, <function HParams.to_proto at 0x7fa7fb42e510>, <function HParams.from_proto at 0x7fa7fb42e598>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering KMC2ChainInitialization (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering KmeansPlusPlusInitialization (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering NearestNeighbors (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaskedMatmul (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering WALSComputePartialLhsAndRhs (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ConfigureDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CrossReplicaSum (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedDequeue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedDequeueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedEnqueue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering InfeedEnqueueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedDequeue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedDequeueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedEnqueue (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering OutfeedEnqueueTuple (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SessionStatus (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ShutdownDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingActivations (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingEnqueueSparseBatch (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingLoadAdagradParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingLoadGradientDescentParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingReceiveActivations (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingRetrieveAdagradParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingRetrieveGradientDescentParameters (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUEmbeddingSendGradients (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicate (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicateMetadata (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicatedInput (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TPUReplicatedOutput (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _XlaSendFromHost (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _XlaRecvAtHost (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _ConfigureDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _WaitForDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _SetGlobalTPUArray (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _ShutdownDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _InitializeHostForDistributedTPU (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering _DisconnectHostFromDistributedTPUSystem (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CrossReplicaSum (<function _cross_replica_sum_grad at 0x7fa7fadcc400>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering tpu_estimator_iterations_per_loop ((<class 'tensorflow.core.framework.variable_pb2.VariableDef'>, <function _to_proto_fn at 0x7fa80dafc378>, <function _from_proto_fn at 0x7fa8a5695e18>)) in proto functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering AdjustHsvInYiq (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BipartiteMatch (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function call_cpp_shape_fn at 0x7fa80e11cd08>) in shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageProjectiveTransform (<function _image_projective_transform_grad at 0x7fa7fa8a1b70>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BipartiteMatch (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ImageConnectedComponents (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SingleImageRandomDotStereograms (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering SingleImageRandomDotStereograms (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BytesInUse (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering BytesLimit (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering MaxBytesInUse (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering PeriodicResample (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeProtoV2 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecodeProtoV2 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeProto (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering EncodeProto (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FoldFusedBatchNormGrad (<function _FoldFusedBatchNormGrad at 0x7fa7f99bebf8>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Resampler (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResamplerGrad (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Resampler (<function _resampler_grad at 0x7fa7f96ead90>) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ResamplerGrad (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rpc (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TryRpc (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering Rpc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TryRpc (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GatherTree (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomNormal (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomUniform (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessTruncatedNormal (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessRandomUniform (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering StatelessTruncatedNormal (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ReinterpretStringToFloat (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ScatterAddNdim (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CreateTreeVariable (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering DecisionTreeResourceHandleOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FeatureUsageCounts (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TraverseTreeV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeDeserialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeIsInitializedOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreePredictionsV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSerialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering UpdateModelV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeVariable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSerialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeDeserialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreeSize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering TreePredictionsV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FeatureUsageCounts (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering CreateFertileStatsVariable (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsDeserialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsIsInitializedOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsResourceHandleOp (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsSerialize (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FinalizeTree (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GrowTreeV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ProcessInputV4 (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsVariable (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsSerialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FertileStatsDeserialize (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering GrowTreeV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering ProcessInputV4 (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering FinalizeTree (None) in gradient. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RemoteFusedGraphExecute (<function _set_call_cpp_shape_fn..call_without_requiring at 0x7fa80e11ce18>) in default shape functions. tensorflow: Level 1: Registering RemoteFusedGraphExecute (None) in gradient. --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Ran 1 test in 0.017s

FAILED (errors=1)

yezi2949 avatar Nov 29 '18 03:11 yezi2949

Is it because i use python3.5 ?

yezi2949 avatar Nov 29 '18 03:11 yezi2949

Recommend improved code: https://github.com/DetectionTeamUCAS/FPN_Tensorflow. @yezi2949

yangxue0827 avatar Dec 02 '18 07:12 yangxue0827


griisreal avatar Apr 09 '19 03:04 griisreal

请问你的问题解决了吗 我也遇到了同样的问题,求助

ZhengHeZhe avatar Nov 14 '19 09:11 ZhengHeZhe