If I didn't locally revert the code https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=617360(Just keep the clean version of git repo), it works in extension mode. Looks like the extension mode is broken by that 'local...
Thanks. what I mean is the javascript which used to distill the page but not the c++ code in chromium? I didn't find the javascript which is not minified
wychen, really appreciate for your quick help. I will try that.
Hi wychen, Is it possible that I debug directly in the java code rather than the javascript? What I mean is that if I have customized the distiller, I want...
OK. I will try it later. thanks again. Is there any group to discuss the dom_distiller?
I am trying to 'scratch' the website which is for desktop and convert to mobile-friendly website. Can I contact you by your gmail address if I have some question about...
Yes, I agree. Let's choose public discussion as possible. Just open an issue in dom_distill repo to start with it?
any update on this? I check the latest code still have the same problem, the svg is empty.