
Results 59 issues of yangbo.zhou


version 2.4.1, while using search curl example code, console threw: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_parsing_exception","reason":"[image] query does not support [limit]","index":"my_index","line":1,"col":2738}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"my_index","node":"UZ7GqTt0Rpi4EZT-d16ZVw","reason":{"type":"query_parsing_exception","reason":"[image] query does not support [limit]","index":"my_index","line":1,"col":2738}}]},"status":400} but without limit is OK.

ADDED:missing header files comes from /usr/include/apache2,/usr/include/apr-1.0/ header files; Update README.md

CHANGED:update the README.md with reference site info

correct tempF to temp

added: python script file for code source;

### Describe your problem anyway to run or debug the apps in api folder , for example "apps/dialog_app.py" , and I am wondering the apps meaning each one can be...


### Describe your problem try to have a try ollama model integration, but don't known how, maybe it needs more document. related to # can't wait to use ollama in...


### Describe your problem ping triggled exception for ever requesting from frontend. File "/ragflow/rag/utils/es_conn.py", line 24, in __init__ raise Exception("Can't connect to ES cluster") Exception: Can't connect to ES cluster...
