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đ RxSwift extensions and MVVM component project architecture.
đ. MVVM + RxSwift + CTMediatror + MJRefresh + DZNEmptyDataSet + SkeletonView
English | įŽäŊä¸æ
This is a set of infrastructure based on MVVM + RxSwift
At the moment, the most important features of Rickenbacker can be summarized as follows:
This module is mainly to encapsulate the base class.
- BaseViewController: Support oc base class, public part.
- VMTableViewController: List base class, internally responsive processing.
VMViewController: You need to specify
or its subclasses as generics. - ViewModel: Basic view model, Subclasses must inherit.
Resource module, which mainly deals with image resource and text resource reading.
- Read image resource:
- Read text resource:
- Read color resource:
Mainly collect RxSwift related useful method classes, etc.
This module mainly solves the cocoapods problem encountered by Swift using this componentized solution.
This module is based on HBDNavigationBar secondary encapsulation of the underlying basic Navigation.
This module is based on the refresh function of MJRefresh encapsulated UITableView.
- Inject refresh function, you only need to simply implement the
protocol - Inject load more functions, just simply implement the
Test case:
extension MJRefreshViewModel: ViewModelHeaderable, ViewModelFooterable {
var enterBeginRefresh: Bool {
return false
// Automatic non-sensing pull-up refresh function
var footer: MJRefreshFooter {
let footer = MJRefreshAutoFooter()
footer.triggerAutomaticallyRefreshPercent = -5
return footer
Remarks: Of course, you can also customize
according to your needs.
This module is based on the empty data display function of the DZNEmptyDataSet package UITableView.
- To inject empty data display function, you only need to simply implement the
Test case:
class EmptyViewModel: ViewModel, ViewModelEmptiable, ViewModelHeaderable {
let dataSource: BehaviorRelay<[String]> = BehaviorRelay(value: [])
func loadData() {
let driver = NetworkService().randomResult().asObservable()
driver.bind(to: dataSource).disposed(by: disposeBag)
driver.map { $0.isEmpty }.bind(to: isEmptyData).disposed(by: disposeBag)
driver.subscribe { _ in } onCompleted: {
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
- Here also supports custom style design, only need to implement
agreement, interfaces are directly toDZNEmptyDataSet
do turning processing.
public typealias DZNEmptyDataSetable = DZNEmptyDataSetSourceable & DZNEmptyDataSetDelegateable
public protocol DZNEmptyDataSetSourceable {
/// Asks the data source for the image of the dataset.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: An image for the dataset.
func DZNEmptyDataSetImage(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIImage
/// Asks the data source for the title of the dataset.
/// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
func DZNEmptyDataSetTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString?
/// Asks the data source for the description of the dataset.
/// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset description text, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
func DZNEmptyDataSetDescription(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString?
/// Asks the data source for a tint color of the image dataset. Default is nil.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: A color to tint the image of the dataset.
func DZNEmptyDataSetImageTintColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor?
/// Asks the data source for the image animation of the dataset.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: image animation
func DZNEmptyDataSetImageAnimation(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CAAnimation?
/// Asks the data source for the title to be used for the specified button state.
/// The dataset uses a fixed font style by default, if no attributes are set. If you want a different font style, return a attributed string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - state: The state that uses the specified title. The possible values are described in UIControlState.
/// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset button title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> NSAttributedString?
/// Asks the data source for the image to be used for the specified button state.
/// This method will override buttonTitleForEmptyDataSet:forState: and present the image only without any text.
/// - Parameters:
/// - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - state: The state that uses the specified title. The possible values are described in UIControlState.
/// - Returns: An image for the dataset button imageview.
func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonImage(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> UIImage?
/// Asks the data source for a background image to be used for the specified button state.
/// There is no default style for this call.
/// - Parameters:
/// - scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - state: The state that uses the specified image. The values are described in UIControlState.
/// - Returns: An attributed string for the dataset button title, combining font, text color, text pararaph style, etc.
func DZNEmptyDataSetButtonBackgroundImage(scrollView: UIScrollView, for state: UIControl.State) -> UIImage?
/// Asks the data source for the background color of the dataset. Default is clear color.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: A color to be applied to the dataset background view.
func DZNEmptyDataSetBackgroundColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor
/// Asks the data source for a custom view to be displayed instead of the default views such as labels, imageview and button. Default is nil.
/// Use this method to show an activity view indicator for loading feedback, or for complete custom empty data set.
/// Returning a custom view will ignore -offsetForEmptyDataSet and -spaceHeightForEmptyDataSet configurations.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: The custom view.
func DZNEmptyDataSetCustomView(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView?
/// Asks the data source for a offset for vertical and horizontal alignment of the content. Default is CGPointZero.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: The offset for vertical and horizontal alignment.
func DZNEmptyDataSetVerticalOffset(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat
/// Asks the data source for a vertical space between elements. Default is 11 pts.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: The space height between elements.
func DZNEmptyDataSetSpaceHeight(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat
public protocol DZNEmptyDataSetDelegateable {
/// Asks the delegate to know if the empty dataset should fade in when displayed. Default is YES.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset should fade in.
func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldFadeIn(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
/// Asks the delegate to know if the empty dataset should still be displayed when the amount of items is more than 0. Default is NO
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: YES if empty dataset should be forced to display
func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldBeForcedToDisplay(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
/// Asks the delegate for touch permission. Default is YES.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset receives touch gestures.
func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAllowTouch(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
/// Asks the delegate for scroll permission. Default is NO.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset is allowed to be scrollable.
func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAllowScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
/// Asks the delegate for image view animation permission. Default is NO.
/// Make sure to return a valid CAAnimation object from imageAnimationForEmptyDataSet:
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
/// - Returns: YES if the empty dataset is allowed to animate
func DZNEmptyDataSetShouldAnimateImageView(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool
/// Tells the delegate that the empty data set will appear.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
func DZNEmptyDataSetWillAppear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
/// Tells the delegate that the empty data set did appear.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
func DZNEmptyDataSetDidAppear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
/// Tells the delegate that the empty data set will disappear.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
func DZNEmptyDataSetWillDisappear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
/// Tells the delegate that the empty data set did disappear.
/// - Parameter scrollView: A scrollView subclass informing the data source.
func DZNEmptyDataSetDidDisappear(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
Test case:
// Configure empty data display information
extension DZNEmptyDataSetViewController: DZNEmptyDataSetable {
func DZNEmptyDataSetImage(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIImage {
return R.image("base_network_error_black")
func DZNEmptyDataSetImageTintColor(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIColor? {
return UIColor.red
func DZNEmptyDataSetTitle(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString? {
NSAttributedString(string: R.text("TEXT"))
func DZNEmptyDataSetDescription(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> NSAttributedString? {
NSAttributedString(string: R.text("æĩč¯įŊįģåŧ常åąį¤ē"))
func DZNEmptyDataSetVerticalOffset(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> CGFloat {
return -77
- If you want use this framework.â ī¸
pod 'Rickenbacker'
The general process is almost like this, the Demo is also written in great detail, you can check it out for yourself.đˇ
Tip: If you find it helpful, please help me with a star. If you have any questions or needs, you can also issue.
About the author
- đˇ E-mail address: [email protected] đˇ
- đ¸ GitHub address: yangKJ đ¸
Rickenbacker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.