terraform-provider-yandex copied to clipboard
Cannot convert zonal k8s cluster to regional
The docs say:
master_location - (Optional) Cluster master's instances locations array (zone and subnet). Cannot be used together with zonal or regional. Currently, supports either one, for zonal master, or three instances of master_location. Can be updated inplace. When creating regional cluster (three master instances), its region will be evaluated automatically by backend. The structure is documented below.
In reality, when I change from 1 to 3 location blocks, I get error master_spec.locations: more than one locations specified for zonal cluster
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# yandex_kubernetes_cluster.kubernetes_cluster will be updated in-place
~ resource "yandex_kubernetes_cluster" "kubernetes_cluster" {
id = "***"
name = "***"
# (12 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ master {
# (8 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ master_location {
~ subnet_id = "***" -> "***"
~ zone = "ru-central1-d" -> "ru-central1-a"
+ master_location {
+ subnet_id = "***"
+ zone = "ru-central1-b"
+ master_location {
+ subnet_id = "***"
+ zone = "ru-central1-d"
# (3 unchanged blocks hidden)
# (2 unchanged blocks hidden)