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codebase for the Text-based NP Enrichment (TNE) paper

Text-based NP Enrichment (TNE)

TNE is an NLU task, which focus on relations between noun phrases (NPs) that can be mediated via prepositions. The dataset contains 5,497 documents, annotated exhaustively with all possible links between the NPs in each document.

For more details check out our paper "Text-based NP Enrichment", and website.


Load from Huggingface's Datasets Library

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("tne")


Data Format

The dataset is spread across four files, for the four different splits: train, dev, test and ood. Each file is in a jsonl format, containing a dictionary of a single document. A document consists of:

  • id: a unique identifier of a document, beginning with r and followed by a number
  • text: the text of the document. The title and subtitles (if exists) are separated with two new lines. The paragraphs are separated by a single new line.
  • tokens: a list of string, containing the tokenized tokens
  • nps: a list of dictionaries, where each key is an np identifier, which contains another dictionary (note that this field was changed in v1.1 from a dictionary where each key is the np id to the dictionary, to a list of dictionaries, to match the huggingface datasets library):
    • text: the text of the np
    • start_index: an integer indicating the starting index in the text
    • end_index: an integer indicating the ending index in the text
    • start_token: an integer indicating the first token of the np out of the tokenized tokens
    • end_token: an integer indicating the last token of the np out of the tokenized tokens
    • id: the same as the key
  • np_relations: these are the relation labels of the document. It is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains:
    • anchor: the id of the anchor np
    • complement: the id of the complement np
    • preposition: the preposition that links between the anchor and the complement
    • complement_coref_cluster_id: the coreference id, which the complement is part of.
  • coref: the coreference labels. It contains a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains:
    • id: the id of the coreference cluster
    • members: the ids of the nps members of such cluster
    • np_type: the type of cluster. It can be either
      • standard: regular coreference cluster
      • time/date/measurement: a time / date / measurement np. These will be singletons.
      • idiomatic: an idiomatic expression
  • metadata: metadata of the document. It contains the following:
    • annotators: a dictionary with anonymized annotators id
      • coref_worker: the coreference worker id
      • consolidator_worker: the consolidator worker id
      • np-relations_worker: the np relations worker id
    • url: the url where the document was taken from (not always existing)
    • source: the original file name where the document was taken from

Getting Started

Install dependencies

conda create -n tne python==3.7 anaconda
conda activate tne

pip install -r requirements.txt


We train the models using allennlp

To run the coupled-large model, run:

allennlp train tne/modeling/configs/coupled_large.jsonnet \
         --include-package tne \
         -s models/coupled_spanbert_large

After training a model (or using the trained one), you can get the predictions file using:

allennlp predict models/coupled_spanbert_large/model.tar.gz data/test.jsonl --output-file coupled_large_predictions.jsonl --include-package tne --use-dataset-reader --predictor tne_predictor

Trained Model

We release the best model we achieved: coupled-large and it can be downloaded here. If there's interest in other models from the paper, please let me know via email or open an issue, and I will upload them as well.


    author = {Elazar, Yanai and Basmov, Victoria and Goldberg, Yoav and Tsarfaty, Reut},
    title = "{Text-based NP Enrichment}",
    journal = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
    volume = {10},
    pages = {764-784},
    year = {2022},
    month = {07},
    issn = {2307-387X},
    doi = {10.1162/tacl_a_00488},
    url = {\_a\_00488},
    eprint = {\_a\_00488/2037151/tacl\_a\_00488.pdf},

Submitting to the Leaderboard

To submit your model's prediction to the leaderboard, you need to create an answer file. You can find details on the submission pocess here, and follow the evaluation code and tests here


  • 04/08/2022 TNE is officially published at TACL
  • 12/07/2022 We presented the paper at NAACL22
  • 03/05/2022 The TNE dataset is on huggingface's datasets library
  • 12/04/2022 Released v1.1 of the dataset. Changed the nps field from a dictionary of diciontaries, to a list of dictionaries, to match with huggingface's datasets library.
  • 27/09/2021 TNE was released: paper + dataset + exploration + demo


Q: But what about huggingface (dataset, hub, implementation)

I found it easier to use the allennlp framework, but I might consider using hf infrastructure as well in the future. Feel free to upload the dataset there, or suggest an implementation using hf codebase.

Q: If I find a bug?

It happens! Please open an issue and I'll do my best to address it.

Q: What about additional trained models?

I uploaded the best model we trained from the paper. If there's interest, I can upload the others as well. Open an issue or email me.

Why are there no labels in the released test-sets files?

We decided to keep the labels hidden, to avoid overfitting on this dataset. However, once you have a good model, you can upload your predictions to the leaderboard (and the ood leaderboard), and find out your score!