electron-reload copied to clipboard
Hard resets not working with electron-forge
I am trying to get hardresets to work with electron-forge, but to start electron-forge you need to execute electron-forge start. Since i can add only path to executable I am unable to use hard resets
I would need something like this:
require('electron-reload')(path.join(__dirname, '../app'), {
electron: path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules', '.bin', 'electron-forge start')
So you want some option to restart electron through electron-forge?
Yop :)
So one idea would be to enhance options so you could spawn any process and not only electron
. Care to submit a pull request?
I would like to, but I don'n know how :/ I am kinda new at this stuff
I think this is a bug, not an enhancement. createWatcher applies ignored: ignoredPaths
to to both watchers. In the case of the hardWatcher, this results in chokidar ignoring changes to the mainFile.
@steeltomato Good point, but wrong thread?
Is there any updates on this? Do we have any compatibility with electron-forge yet? I can try and submit a PR if there isn't.
This is probably wrong, but I think I had this same problem:
The electron forge app would 'crash' when editing main.js and not recover...
require('electron-reload')(__dirname, {
electron: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'electron-forge'),
electronArgv: ['start'],
hardResetMethod: 'exit',
awaitWriteFinish: true
It solved the problem for me, not sure if relevant to this issue though.