Results 115 issues of YAMAMOTO Takashi

the explainer says: > Components prevent unexpected reentrance by setting the "lockdown" state (in the previous bullet) whenever calling out through an import, clearing the lockdown state on return, thereby...


why component-level valtype doesn't have an equivalent of `v128`? if it's intentionally excluded, i guess it warrants a note in the explainer.

* the idea to build wasm modules using nuttx headers is broken * it produces very WAMR specific modules (it seems targeting WAMR's LIBC_BUILTIN). if we want to build wasm...

is there rustfmt-like tools for wit files? otherwise, this is a feature request. moved from: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen/issues/710

is anyone working on updating llvm support to the latest proposal? (try_table/exnref style instructions)

reading the latest overview https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling/blob/main/proposals/exception-handling/Exceptions.md to me, it seems that some kind of GC is assumed to track the lifetime of an exception referenced by exnref. is it right?

i'm reading https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling/blob/main/proposals/exception-handling/Exceptions.md#rethrowing-an-exception how the following should work was not clear to me. ``` try catch try try catch rethrow 2 end catch ;; can this catch the rethrown exception?...

right now, the avfoundation binding maps FrameFormate::GRAY to kCMPixelFormat_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero. kCMPixelFormat_8IndexedGray_WhiteIsZero seems to mean, as its name suggests, 0 -> white, 255 -> black. is it what FrameFormat::GRAY means? anyway, i...

this is about `0.10` branch as `senpai` is not buildable for me. 1. `nokhwa-bindings-macos` seems to map both of `kCMVideoCodecType_422YpCbCr8` and `kCMPixelFormat_422YpCbCr8_yuvs` to `FrameFormat::YUYV`. according to apple docs, `kCMVideoCodecType_422YpCbCr8` is...