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Results 193 pyyaml issues
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> [We do not permit trailing spaces for block scalars.]( Block style (`|`, `

When using an updated version of `pyyaml` (version 6.0) on Google Colab, there is an import problem in some of Google Colab python packages, like ``: ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback...


I maintain, and as seen in, the lack of YAML 1.2 support in this library is a hindrance to parsing YAML in a consistent "least surprise" manner. Recognizing...

I would like to be able to parse the follow yaml file, A.yml, that include B.yml: A.yml ```yaml --- all: children: GROUP1:

According to the documentation (both at []( as well as `help(yaml)`) the default value of `default_flow_style` is `None`. But I get different output if I explicitly specify it: ``` >>>...

Supersedes #512 This is a draft and subject to discussion. See also _(For #512: Thanks to @SUSE for another hackweek! I had four days of work time dedicated to...

Use case: I want to load a yaml file, inject something in a mapping in a well-known place and dump back to the file. I want to do this with...

Running this code: ```python import yaml print(yaml.load("=")) ``` Gives this error: ` yaml.constructor.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag ',2002:value' in "", line 1, column 1: = ^...

The following setup triggers a crash on deserialize: ```python [+] In [23]: class A: ...: def __init__(self, a): ...: self.a = a ...: ...: def __hash__(self): ...: return hash(self.a) ...:...

Maps (sets and dictionaries in Python) need deep construction to support non-scalar keys.