AdaYaml copied to clipboard
experimental YAML 1.3 implementation in Ada
On a new empty project, AdaYaml appears to fail to build with errors: ``` $ alr init --bin example ... $ alr with adayaml ⓘ Synchronizing workspace... Nothing to update....
There where some compiler warnings as well.
In yaml.gpr I read ``` package Compiler is for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-gnat12", "-gnatwa", "-gnatwl", "-gnata", "-gnaty3abcefhiklmNprt", "-fstack-check"); case Mode is when "debug" => for Default_Switches ("ada") use Compiler'Default_Switches ("ada")...
When parsing valid YAML file, the parser often raises program_error exception. This occurs in the Text string allocator. At some point the chunk gets corrupted. Reproduced with the util tool:...
Hi, running the following simple example program, causes a crash with YAML.STREAM_ERROR exception. ``` with Utils; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line; with GNAT.Exception_Actions; with Ada.Exceptions; with Yaml.Dom; with Yaml.Dom.Vectors; with Yaml.Dom.Loading;...