nvim-nonicons copied to clipboard
Wrong icons
Something went wrong, could you help me to install the plugin?
I'm using macOS
- Installed https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/blob/master/dist/nonicon.ttf
- Installed plugin via Packer
use {
requires = {'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'}
And it looks like this:
What terminal app are you using? Did you set the font in the terminal app?
Alacrity Hm, no, I didn't I prefer to use Iosevka, is there any another way?
https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty/issues/3318 It seems that multiple fonts cannot be used in Alacrity, so there is no choice but to apply a patch
How can I apply the patch? Do you mean to patch my current font or?
https://github.com/yamatsum/nonicons/issues/4 I don't prepare to patch font currently.
I'm on kitty, I put the line symbol_map U+f101-U+f208 nonicon
on kitty.conf. I'm using nvim-tree.lua, the file icons doesn't seem to be correct, however.
(PS: I'm using it with nvim-web-devicons)
Hi! I had the same issue with Kitty. I've just changed the line in the config file to symbol_map U+f101-U+f208 nonicons
. It's changing nonicon to plural form. Hope it would work for you!
Hi! I had the same issue with Kitty. I've just changed the line in the config file to
symbol_map U+f101-U+f208 nonicons
. It's changing nonicon to plural form. Hope it would work for you!
Thanks, It works for me.
it does not work. Some of the icons are wrong nonetheless.
@ndav1d the vimscript and folder icon seems good. Which one do you think is wrong? Also, please add the fonts setting in your kitty conf
In these icons we can already see some that are not correct... For example, a "bug" where it should be an opened empty folder haha.
My kitty font config is the following
font_family JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono
symbol_map U+f101-U+f208 nonicons
Oh... I see it now hahaha. I have the same issue, but as I set another icon for folders, I haven't realized it yet.
I know it's not the answer you are looking for, but you can set the icons like this:
vim.g.nvim_tree_icons = {
folder = {
default = "",
open = "",
empty = "",
empty_open = "",
symlink = "",
symlink_open = "",
In macos by using the patched font still doesn't works :(
yes the icons are not in the right place. it won't work on any device
Same problem, but I'm using wezterm with Fira Code. Any workarounds to try to make it right?