Yakir Luc Gagnon

Results 95 issues of Yakir Luc Gagnon

OnlineStats does not export Weight. ```julia (@v1.4) pkg> add JuliaDB Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General` Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git` Resolving package versions... Installed RecipesBase ─ v1.0.1 Installed Intervals ─── v1.1.0 Installed TimeZones...

These is a method like that for `ndsparse` tables: ```julia merge(left::DNDSparse{I1,D1}, right::DNDSparse{I2,D2}; agg=IndexedTables.right) ``` but not for indexed tables. As a side-note, there seem to be a bunch methods that...

Cannot add a row to a loaded table: ```julia using JuliaDB t = table((x = [1], y = [2])) save(t, "tmp.jdb") t = load("tmp.jdb") push!(rows(t), (x = 3, y =...

It's pretty common that an empty string (e.g. `x,,z`) would signify a missing value. I tried that with no success. But then I discovered that specifying a specific string doesn't...

This is less of an issue and more of an inconvenience. Currently it is understandably impossible to join tables with duplicate column-names. It would be more convenient if equally named...

```julia t = table((x = 1:3, y = 'a':'c'), pkey = 1) s = ndsparse((x = 1:3, ), (y = 'a':'c', )) select(t, :x) # works select(s, :x) # does...

I get read errors or stalling if I try to use MATLAB with multiple threads. If this is indeed impossible, maybe mention this in the README/docs. MWE: ```julia using MATLAB,...

It would be great if exceptions inside Matlab would somehow propagate to Julia. Right now they might elicit some printout but they are silent otherwise: ```julia using MATLAB mat""" xxx...

When indexing into an `AxisArray`, how can I get the value of the axis at the indexed value? This becomes relevant for instance in the [last example](https://github.com/JuliaArrays/AxisArrays.jl#example-compute-the-intensity-weighted-mean-along-the-z-axis) (btw, I PR:ed...

The scale/slider in the following MWE ignores the size of the step of the range: ```julia using Gtk win = GtkWindow("My First Gtk.jl Program", 400, 200) b = GtkScale(false, 1:2:11)...