pdo-via-oci8 copied to clipboard
$stmt->bindParam shifts default null values
Summary of problem or feature request
Declaration of the procedure in Oracle :
procedure p_add_private(pr_client_id in clients.client_id%type default null,
pr_login in logins.login%type default null,
pr_password in logins.password%type default null,
pr_contract_id in contracts.contract_id%type default null);
I want to execute it it Laravel.
Code snippet of problem
If i call
$client_ors_id = 1;
$pr_contract_id = 2;
$pdo = DB::connection('orange')->getPdo();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("begin os_bill.bill_quantum_api.p_add_private(:pr_client_id,:pr_contract_id);end;");
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_client_id', $client_ors_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_contract_id', $service_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
...the param pr_contract_id is becomes binded to pr_login, i.e. is shifted from 4 to 2 bind-place.
Then if i call
$client_ors_id = 1;
$pr_contract_id = 2;
$null = null;
$pdo = DB::connection('orange')->getPdo();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("begin os_bill.bill_quantum_api.p_add_private(:pr_client_id,:pr_login,:pr_password,:pr_contract_id);end;");
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_client_id', $client_ors_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_login', $null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL);
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_password', $null, \PDO::PARAM_NULL);
$stmt->bindParam(':pr_contract_id', $service_id, \PDO::PARAM_INT);
...two null params cause an error, though they are null by default in Oracle :) it senses like null !== null here ;)
Now variant that works:
$sql = "
pr_client_id NUMBER := :pr_client_id;
pr_login NUMBER := :pr_login;
pr_password NUMBER := :pr_password;
pr_contract_id NUMBER := :pr_contract_id;
DB::connection('orange')->statement($sql, [
'pr_client_id' => $client_ors_id,
'pr_login' => null,
'pr_password' => null,
'pr_contract_id' => $service_id
System details
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18
- PHP Version 8.1
- Laravel 8.83
- "yajra/laravel-oci8": "*", 8.62