React-Chat-App-using-AWS-API-Gateway-Websocket-and-Serverless-Framework icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Realtime chat web app using React, AWS API Gateway Websockets, Dynamodb and custom Cognito authorizer.

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Realtime chat web app using React, AWS API Gateway Websockets, Dynamodb and custom Cognito authorizer.

Project Structure

── /backend/            # Api Gateway Websockets and Lambda functions
── /frontend/           # Frontend React web app


  • React 16.8+
  • Serverless 1.38+
  • Node.js 8.10

Create AWS Cognito User Pool

Once User Pool created, Replace all APP_CLIENT_ID and USER_POOL_ID to your created IDs

Deploy Backend

cd backend
sls deploy
cd ..

Run React App

cd frontend
npm install
npm start