coc-volar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Volar (Fast Vue Language Support) extension for coc.nvim


fork from a vscode-vue-language-features

Volar (Fast Vue Language Support) extension for coc.nvim coc-volar-demo



:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-volar

scoped packages


Plug 'yaegassy/coc-volar', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}

(Optional) Additional installation of coc-extension

If you want to use volar.action.splitEditors, volar.action.vite, volar.action.nuxt and other feature, please install coc-volar-tools.


:CocInstall @yaegassy/coc-volar-tools

scoped packages


Plug 'yaegassy/coc-volar-tools', {'do': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'}

Recommended additional installation: "watchman"

coc-volar uses the fileEvents option to watch files in the project, it is recommended to install watchman.

If you have difficulty installing watchman, you can use coc-volar without watchman, but you may not be able to immediately use volar's IntelliSense with the newly added files.

In this case, please execute the command to restart the language server.

  • :CocRestart


Depending on the project like mono repo or how Vim/Neovim is started, workspaceFolders may not be recognized correctly.

If workspaceFolders are not recognized correctly, the language server may parse unnecessary project folders, etc., slowing down the operation. Or Language Server may not work properly.

The default configuration of coc.nvim resolves to the directory where the .git, .hg, or .projections.json files reside as the workspace root.

coc-volar has also already added vite.config.ts, vue.config.js or nuxt.config.ts to the extension side to resolve workspace root.

If further customization is needed, set b:coc_root_patterns in ".vimrc/init.vim".


  au FileType vue let b:coc_root_patterns = ['.git', '.env', 'package.json', 'tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json', 'vite.config.ts', 'vue.config.js', 'nuxt.config.ts']

For more information, check this coc.nvim's wiki.

Usage & Notes


How to enable "Take Over Mode" in coc-volar

If you are using "Take Over Mode" for the first time in your project

  1. To begin, open the *.vue, *.ts, *.js, *.tsx, *.jsx file.
  2. Then run :CocCommand volar.initializeTakeOverMode.
  3. When prompted by Enable Take Over Mode? (y/n)?, enter y
  4. The .vim/coc-settings.json file will be created in the "project root".
    • The "volar.takeOverMode.enabled": true and "tsserver.enable": false settings will be added.
  5. coc.nvim will be restarted and the settings will be reflected.

If you want to disable Take Over Mode for a project

Delete the .vim/coc-settings.json file in the "project root", and start Vim again.

VitePress and petite-vue support

Notes for make VitePress, petite-vue project working with Volar.


  • Set volar.vitePressSupport.enable to true in .vim/coc-settings.json.
    • [WARNING] If you use this setting, it is recommended to enable it at the workspace (project) level.
  • vue is optional add in devDependencies for better intellisense.
  • Make sure added related .md files path to tsconfig.json include property
  • Usually needed "allowJs": true and "jsx": "preserve" config.


  • Set volar.petiteVueSupport.enable to true in .vim/coc-settings.json.
    • [WARNING] If you use this setting, it is recommended to enable it at the workspace (project) level.
  • Set html.enable to false in .vim/coc-settings.json.
  • vue is optional add in devDependencies for better intellisense.
  • Make sure added related .html files path to tsconfig.json include property
  • Usually needed "allowJs": true and "jsx": "preserve" config.


If coc-prettier (v9.2.0 later) is installed, prettier will be run as the formatter.

If you want to use the volar's built-in formatter, set prettier.enable to false or set prettier.disableLanguages to vue in .vim/coc-settings.json.


  "prettier.enable": false


  "prettier.disableLanguages": [

It can also be controlled by other coc-prettier settings and .prettierignore files.

Check the README of coc-prettier for details.

Configuration options

  • volar.enable: Enable coc-volar extension, default: true
  • volar.useWorkspaceTsdk: Use workspace (project) detected tsLibs in volar. if false, use coc-volar's built-in tsLibs, default: false
  • volar.scaffoldSnippets.enable: Enable/disable scaffold snippets completion. Typing vue or vuedc will output completion suggestions. This snippets completion feature will only work on the first line of the file, default: true
  • volar.diagnostics.enable: Enable/disable the Volar diagnostics, default: true
  • volar.diagnostics.tsLocale: Locale of diagnostics messages from typescript, valid option: ["cs", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "en", "pl", "pt-br", "ru", "tr", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"], default: "en"
  • volar.inlayHints.enable: Whether to show inlay hints. In order for inlayHints to work with volar, you will need to further configure typescript.inlayHints.* or javascript.inlayHints.* settings, default: true
  • volar.vitePressSupport.enable: Use .md instead of .vue for file extension. If you use this setting, it is recommended to enable it at the workspace (project) level. You must also place tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json in your project, default: false
  • volar.petiteVueSupport.enable: Use .html instead of .vue for file extension. If you use this setting, it is recommended to enable it at the workspace (project) level. You must also place tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json in your project, default: false
  • volar.progressOnInitialization.enable: Enable/disable progress window at language server startup, default: true
  • volar-language-features.trace.server: Traces the communication between coc.nvim and the language server, valid option: ["off", "messages", "verbose"], default: "off"
  • volar-language-features-2.trace.server: Traces the communication between coc.nvim and the language server, valid option: ["off", "messages", "verbose"], default: "off"
  • volar-document-features.trace.server: Traces the communication between coc.nvim and the language server, valid option: ["off", "messages", "verbose"], default: "off"
  • volar.vueserver.useSecondServer: Use second server to progress heavy diagnostic works, the main server workhorse computing intellisense, operations such as auto-complete can respond faster. Note that this will lead to more memory usage, default: true
  • volar.vueserver.maxOldSpaceSize: Set --max-old-space-size option on server process. Maximum memory (in MB) that the server should use. On some systems this may only have effect when runtime has been set. Minimum 256.
  • volar.takeOverMode.enabled: Take over language support for *.ts, default: false
  • volar.codeLens.references: [references] code lens, default: true
  • volar.codeLens.pugTools: [pug ☐] code lens, default: false
  • volar.codeLens.scriptSetupTools: [ref sugar ☐] code lens, default: false
  • volar.autoCreateQuotes: Enable/disable auto creation of quotes for HTML attribute assignment, default: false
  • volar.autoClosingTags: Enable/disable autoClosing of HTML tags, default: false
  • volar.autoCompleteRefs: Auto-complete Ref value with '.value', default: false
  • volar.formatting.enable: Enable/disable the Volar document formatter, default: true
  • volar.completion.tagNameCase: Tag name case, valid options: ["both", "kebab", "pascal"], default: "both"
  • volar.completion.attrNameCase: Attr name case, valid options: ["kebab", "camel"], default: "kebab"
  • volar.completion.autoImportComponent: Enabled auto-import for component with tag completion, default: true
  • volar.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled: Enabled update imports on file move, default: true
  • volar.diagnostics.delay: Delay time for diagnostics, default: 200
  • (For develop and check) Custom path to volar server module, ~ and $HOME, etc. can also be used. If there is no setting, the built-in module will be used, default: ""


  • volar.initializeTakeOverMode: Enable Take Over Mode in your project
  • volar.toggleInlayHints: Toggle inlay hints Enable/Disable
  • Show Doctor info
  • volar.action.restartServer: Restart Vue server
  • volar.action.reloadProject: Reload Project
  • volar.action.verifyAllScripts: Verify All Scripts
  • volar.action.splitEditors: Split <script>, <template>, <style> Editors
  • volar.action.vite: Experimental Features for Vite
  • volar.action.nuxt: Experimental Features for Nuxt
  • volar.vue.findAllFileReferences: Vue: Find File References

More features

Other major LSP feature are of course supported as well.

completion, definition, typeDefinition, diagnostics, hover, signatureHelp, references, codeLens, formatting, rename and more...




This extension is built with create-coc-extension