gpt_pdf_md icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gpt_pdf_md copied to clipboard

🚀 gpt_pdf_md: Convert PDF to Markdown with GPT-4V & more. Extract images, upload to Google Cloud, & generate Markdown with images. Python, GPT-4V Vision, Scala. Ideal for developers, researchers. PDF...


gpt_pdf_md is a Python package that leverages GPT-4V and other tools to convert PDF files into Markdown. The current limitation of raw GPT-4V is that it does not support PDF documents in the API. Additionally, when prompted to convert text containing figures to Markdown, the figures are not converted correctly due to missing image URLs in the Markdown. However, gpt_pdf_md is coming close to the OCR quality of Mathpix!


  • Extracts figures from PDF files using the pdffigures2 Scala library.
  • Converts PDF pages to images and uploads them to a Google Cloud Bucket.
  • Utilizes GPT-4V Vision to generate Markdown content from a PDF and then inserts image URLs into the Markdown.

Additional Dependencies

This package requires the pdffigures2 Scala library to extract figures from PDF files. You need to have all necessary dependencies installed for the library. You can find more information here. Please note that this can be quite a hassle because parts of the library are written in Scala, so you need to have the correct versions of Java and Scala installed. We are looking for an alternative, more straightforward way to extract images from a PDF. If you have any ideas, feel free to open an issue.


Once you have pdffigures2 set up, you can install gpt_pdf_md via pip:

pip install gpt-pdf-md

Configure the required environment variables in your .env file without spaces or unnecessary quotes:


NOTE: This project requires a public Google bucket where the images, which are later rendered in the Markdown, are uploaded.


To process a PDF and generate Markdown content, it's important that the Python file is in the same directory as the pdffigures2 folder. You can use gpt_pdf_md as follows:

from gpt_pdf_md.reader import process_pdf
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


GOOGLE_ID = os.getenv('GOOGLE_ID')

absolute_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Absolute path to the PDF file
PDF = absolute_path + "/example.pdf"
# Absolute path to pdffigures2
PDFFIGURES2_PATH = absolute_path + "/pdffigures2/"

This will process the specified PDF and output a Markdown file with the extracted information in the same directory. An example is the file, which is the converted result of example.pdf created by running the script.

Next Steps

  • [ ] Try Rust vortex for PDF image extraction
  • [ ] Use GPT-4 128k for final formatting of Markdown
  • [ ] Create a clearer README to make it easier for everyone to use the Python package
  • [ ] Improve error handling
  • [ ] add benchmarks (mathpix, nougat)

Contributing & Support

We welcome contributions! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.