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medium-editor support for font color?
Thank you for all medium-editor contributors,It is a really nice html5 editor. But for some reasons we need change font size and font color ,will medium-editor add this feature ?
We are discussing the font-size feature as part of issue #376 and pull request #494
We can start a discussion on how we'd like to do font-color as part of this issue (I'll rename the issue).
Similar to fontsize, the browsers have native font color support via document.execCommand('foreColor', false, '#ffffff')
. Similar to font size, this will result in a font
tag being created, but this will also created a color
<font color="#ffffff">
slightly terrified at the cross-browser implications here :)
would be trivial to support foreColor, but would need to include a UX for a color picker, which could get large. Seems like some of these built-in extensions would better serve as "external", too? eg: not included in the medium-editor.js by default? (only in the interest of keeping core codebase smallish). Also if foreColor
is using inline font
tags with [color]
, the removeFormat will need to ensure that, and the #376 code wouldn't be able to just-remove the font
element for clear. just thinking out loud.
additional outloud thinking: should go ahead and do foreColor backColor as near-identical things. Wouldn't be horrible to provide the 'default' color selection as just accepting a string hex value to use, but provide enough hook to allow someone to use any of the plethora of available colorpicker components available in the wild. just need to define the API properly as to how a hasForm
type extension/button reports values/changes/etc and should be fairly straightforward to allow.
For anyone interested, I have completed an integration of the Spectrum color picker ( My implementation is based partly on the code from Issue #257 and from the examples to create your own plugin.
My Extension Javascript file:
var colorPickerExtension;
(function (window, document) {
'use strict';
function colorPickerDerived() {// we set our options
this.parent = true;
this.options = {
name: 'colorPicker',
action: 'applyForeColor',
aria: 'color picker',
tagnames: ['p', 'h3', 'h4'],
contentDefault: '<input type="text" class="MediumEditorColorPicker" />'
}; = 'colorPicker';
colorPickerDerived.prototype = {
handleClick: function (evt) {
var self = this.base;
// If no text selected, stop here.
if( self.selectionState.end - self.selectionState.start === 0 ) {
var colorpicker = $('.MediumEditorColorPicker');
var this_color = document.queryCommandValue('foreColor');
colorpicker.spectrum('set', this_color);
//handle the change event
colorpicker.on('change.spectrum', function (e, color) {
self.restoreSelection();//make sure we still have a selection
var new_color = color.toHexString();
self.options.ownerDocument.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true);//we want css color
self.options.ownerDocument.execCommand('foreColor', false, new_color);
colorpicker.spectrum('toggle');//open spectrum
return false;
colorPickerExtension = Util.derives(MediumEditor.statics.DefaultButton, colorPickerDerived);
}(window, document));
Using this in the Medium Editor, I include the above file after including Medium Editor (as well as the 'util.js' file from the 'src' folder).
In my script to initiate Medium Editor, I have the following related code:
$.fn.spectrum.load = false; // I want to initialize Spectrum myself
//in your list of buttons we need: 'colorPicker'
//in your list of extensions we need: 'colorPicker': new colorPickerExtension
//my initialization for Spectrum:
//set your options here. I found it best to provide a palette for users to select
//after Spectrum initialization
jQuery('.medium-editor-action-colorPicker *').unbind();//if the original bind events remain on Spectrum, it fails in Chrome, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (works in Firefox)
I also had to adjust the padding of the button around the color picker (padding top and bottom a little bit less to vertical center the button).
This was tested in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 11, and should work in a little bit older versions as long as both Medium Editor and Spectrum supports them.
I made use of jQuery in my code since it is a requirement for some other plugins and extensions I need (since I already need it, I might as well just use it).
Jacotheron - thank you for posting! This is exactly what I was looking for - an easy integration with medium-editor and spectrum. I updated the CSS for the color picker to more closely resemble the default medium-editor theme, and added a small snippet to insert the colorpicker into the medium-editor dom node so that the medium-editor does not close when selecting a color. Looks great thanks again tremendous amount of time you saved me!
It seems like there might be something we could do inside the editor to help support extensions like this. It's worth thinking about.
Worst case, we should consider adding this example in the documentation perhaps?
If somebody needs really simple, vanilla javascript picker, this is my implementation. I forked vanilla-color-picker to make some adjustments for medium-editor styling.
* Custom `color picker` extension
var ColorPickerExtension;
function ColorPickerDerived() {
this.parent = true;
this.options = {
name: "colorPicker",
action: "applyForeColor",
aria: "color picker",
tagname: ["p", "h3", "h4"],
contentDefault: "<span class='editor-color-picker'>Text Color<span>"
}; = "colorPicker";
ColorPickerDerived.prototype = {
handleClick: function(e) {
var self = this.base;
// If no text selected, stop here.
if( self.selectionState && (self.selectionState.end - self.selectionState.start === 0) ) {
// colors for picker
var pickerColors = [
var picker = vanillaColorPicker(document.querySelector(".medium-editor-toolbar-active .editor-color-picker"));
picker.set("customColors", pickerColors);
picker.on("colorChosen", function(color) {
self.options.ownerDocument.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
self.options.ownerDocument.execCommand("foreColor", false, color);
ColorPickerExtension = MediumEditor.util.derives(MediumEditor.statics.DefaultButton, ColorPickerDerived);
The final result looks like this:
@Olgagr thanks, but it seems to me this is for v4. Cause util.derives is gone in v5
@benjamin79 Yes, this is for v4. I'm using version4 right now.
An updated version of that code that would work with v5 would be something like this:
* Custom `color picker` extension
var ColorPickerExtension = MediumEditor.extensions.button.extend({
name: "colorPicker",
action: "applyForeColor",
aria: "color picker",
contentDefault: "<span class='editor-color-picker'>Text Color<span>",
handleClick: function(e) {
this.selectionState = this.base.exportSelection();
// If no text selected, stop here.
if(this.selectionState && (this.selectionState.end - this.selectionState.start === 0) ) {
// colors for picker
var pickerColors = [
var picker = vanillaColorPicker(this.document.querySelector(".medium-editor-toolbar-active .editor-color-picker"));
picker.set("customColors", pickerColors);
picker.on("colorChosen", function(color) {
this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
this.document.execCommand("foreColor", false, color);
+1 A color picker option would be ideal, if not integrated directly, by providing a way to integrate it. It can be a quite important factor that can determine which editor to choose.
It would be great if you could add some codepen or jsfiddle with the suggestions. I almost got it working with spectrum but I would like to keep the editor toollbar visible while I change from one color to another.
Well, here's what I got: Not 100% perfect, as the medium editor toolbar gets hidden when clicking outside the colors' area of the colorpicker, but mostly functional.
Is there anyway to tell medium editor not to hide the toolbar when for example, clicking over the hexadecimal color input box?
@alvarotrigo thanks for sharing that fiddle, pretty sweet to see a working color picking example for others to model after...have you considered offering what you made as an external npm package or repo so others can use it and/or improve on it? We can call it out in our Extensions documentation and on the landing page.
One way to prevent the toolbar from hiding when displaying is to have the element that you're displaying be a descendant of the toolbar itself. There is code within the event handling that checks if the element receiving focus is a child of the toolbar, and if it is it won't hide the toolbar. This might be problematic for what you're trying to do, but it's one way that things will just work as they are.
There was also a discussion in #830 about trying to better expose a way for extensions to prevent the toolbar from hiding when they're being interacted with, so it anyone wanted to take a crack at implementing the approach called out in #830 then that would be an even better solution for your issue.
@nmielnik I ended up modifying medium-editor a bit as a quick solution to the problem.
I basically added a new check on the hideToolbar
hideToolbar: function() {
if (this.isDisplayed() && this.isColorPickerHidden()) { //added here
this.trigger('hideToolbar', {}, this.base.getFocusedElement());
isColorPickerHidden: function(){
var picker = document.querySelector('.sp-container');
return picker? this.hasClass(picker, 'sp-hidden') : true;
//This method might not be necessary. It just implements the equivalent to jQuery hasClass.
//but I didn't spent time to check if medium-editor already has an equivalent.
hasClass: function(ele, cls){
return !!ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cls+'(\\s|$)'));
But to make it more generic, a method like keepOpen(true)
to set a flag could be an easy way to solve it.
Regarding the input box with text, I ended up finding another solution. I basically kept record of the selection just before opening the color picker. Then I imported it again just before applying the color.
Here's the complete jsfiddle solution with the medium-editor modification + this last improvements regarding the input box.
@alvarotrigo thanks for sharing your solution on this, it works great.
but the active state for color picker button was missing.. how to achieve that??
Simple implementation work with 5.23.1 based by and and
You need include
* Custom `color picker` extension
var ColorPickerExtension = MediumEditor.Extension.extend({
name: "colorPicker",
init: function () {
this.button = this.document.createElement('button');
this.button.title = 'Text color'
this.button.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-paint-brush"></i>';
this.on(this.button, 'click', this.handleClick.bind(this));
getButton: function () {
return this.button;
handleClick: function (e) {
this.selectionState = this.base.exportSelection();
// If no text selected, stop here.
if (this.selectionState && (this.selectionState.end - this.selectionState.start === 0)) {
// colors for picker
var pickerColors = [
var picker = vanillaColorPicker(this.document.querySelector(".medium-editor-toolbar-active .editor-color-picker").parentNode);
picker.set("customColors", pickerColors);
picker.on("colorChosen", function (color) {
this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true);
this.document.execCommand("foreColor", false, color);
Then in MediumEditor initialization
var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable', {
toolbar: {
buttons: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'colorPicker']
extensions: {
'colorPicker': new ColorPickerExtension()
@havran I Love U