Bashar Ayyash
Bashar Ayyash
@ivandoric I added extra fields to User plugin backend form as below inside my custom plugin: ``` public function boot() { UsersController::extendFormFields(function ($form, $model, $context) { $form->addTabFields([ 'passport_number' => [...
Do you suggest update typescript? And to which version?
do you suggest other version of `ng2-pdf-viewer` that will work with Angular 7.2.7, because when I tried to update typescript version it generated `ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript...
I am facing the same issue with deep link on iOS 16.3. The onDeepLink is never triggered Plugin Version: ``` "react-native": "0.63.5", "react-native-appsflyer": "^6.9.1" ``` Environment: iOS: 16.3
@annasychugina for me it is never triggered for `iOS 16` either foreground or background but on `Android 12` it works, I don't know what to do as I already started...