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Kotlin Symbol Processor library for creating Mutable, Immutable, Builders, DSL Builders from interfaces & abstract classes with properties.

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Kotlin Symbol Processor library for creating Mutable , Immutable , Builders , DSL Builders from interfaces & abstract classes with properties.


Immutable & Mutable

interface Sample {
    val sample: String

Will generate next classes and functions:

fun Sample.toImmutable(): ImmutableSample = ImmutableSample(sample)

class ImmutableSample(
    override val sample: String
) : Sample

fun Sample.toMutable(): MutableSample = MutableSample(sample)

class MutableSample(
    override var sample: String
) : Sample


// required for annotations above. They can be used with either ImmutableImpl or MutableImpl
@ImmutableImpl(visibility = Visibility.INTERNAL)
@DSLBuilderImpl(functionName = "foo")
interface Foo {
    val bar: Bar

Will generate:

 // generated file: FooFactory
fun Foo(bar: Bar): Foo = ImmutableFoo(bar)

// generatedfile: FooBuilder
class FooBuilder {
    fun bar(bar: Bar): FooBuilder { /* code */ }
    fun build(): Foo { /* code */ }

// generated file: FooBuilderScope
class FooDSLBuilderScope {
    var bar: Bar by Delegates.notNull()

fun foo(builder: FooDSLBuilderScope.() -> Unit): Foo { /* code */ }


For first, we need to add repository:

repositories {

And then we need to add dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation("com.y9vad9.implier:implier:$version") // annotations
    ksp("com.y9vad9.implier:ksp:$version") // ksp implementation of annotations