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[yarrow] JVMCI based optimizing compiler for HotSpot VM



This is my graduation project, it still works in progress. I intend to write an optimizing JIT compiler for HotSpot VM. Thanks to JEP243 JVMCI, I can easily plug a compiler into JVM at runtime with -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Djvmci.Compiler=yarrow options. Since JVMCI is an experimental feature, it only exposes its services to Graal compiler backend, which is a default implementation of JVMCI, I have to hack it so that JVMCI services can be exported to my yarrow module. For the sake of the simplicity, I just modify the module-info.java from JVMCI module and rebuild entire JDK. Back to my project, yarrow is highly inspired by Client Compiler for HotSpot VM(aka. C1). As every knows, intermediate representation are the stepping stone form what the programmer wrote to what the machine understands. Intermediate representations must bridge a large semantic gap. Yarrow uses a two-tiered control flow graph containing basic blocks (tier 1) of SSA instructions(tier 2) HIR.

The whole compilation is being divided into two parts. Yarrow parses Java bytecode to HIR as soon as yarrow polls a compilation task from the compile queue. In order to achieve transformation, compiler finds leader instructions and creates a control flow graph within bytecode, the minimal component of control flow graph is the basic block, it connects to other blocks by successors and predecessors fields. Control flow graph becomes 1-Tier of HIR, you can dump the final graph by switching -Dyarrow.Debug.PrintIRToFile=true on, You can understand what compiler's internal does by the following demo:

Example 1: Source Code

static void yarrow_complex(int k) {
        int val = 12;
        if (k >= 100) {
            if (k >= 200) {
                if (k >= 400) {
                    val += (val ^ 32);
                    int res = val + 1;
                    double d = res;
        for (int i = val; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
            if (i + val >= 100) {
                val -= 100;
            } else {
                for (int t = i; t < i + 10; t++) {
                    val += t;
                    switch (t) {
                        case 23:
                            val += 32;
                        case 323:
                            val += 23;
                        case 32:
                            val += 3233;
                            val = 44;

Example 1: Control Flow Graph

Example 2: Source Code

ublic static int[][] fillMatrix(int[][] M) {
        for (int xx = 0; xx < 100000; xx++) {
            int ml = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {
                ml = ml < M[i].length ? M[i].length : ml;
            int[][] Nm = new int[M.length][ml];
            for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < M[i].length; j++) {
                    Nm[i][j] = M[i][j];
            return Nm;
        return null;

Example 2: Control Flow Graph

Later, a so-called abstract interpretation phase interprets bytecode and generates corresponding SSA instructions, SSA form needs to merge different values of same variable. Therefore, if a basic block has more than one predecessor, PhiInstr might be needed at the start of block. Again, you can dump graph using mentioned option:

Example 1: SSA Form

Example 2: SSA Form

The simple structure of the HIR allows the easy implementation of global optimizations, which are applied both during and after the construction of HIR. Theoretically, all optimizations developed for traditional compilers could be applied, but most of them require the analysis of the data flow and are too time-consuming for JIT compiler, so yarrow implements only simple and fast optimizations, that's why it is called optimizing compiler. The most classic optimizations such as constant folding,algebraic simplification and simple constant propagation will be applied as soon as instruction tries to insert it into a basic block

Compiler idealizes many instructions, it reduces computations and chooses a simple canonical form:

Also compiler removes unreachable blocks

Compiler uses local value numbering to find whether newly appended instruction can be replaced by previous instruction

This could eliminate many redundant field access operations and computations. Typically, the next step is code generation, it is the most tough and sophisticated phase in an optimizing compiler. yarrow lowers HIR, it transforms machine-independent HIR instructions to machine instructions and eliminates dead code and PHI instruction, newly created LIR plays the main role of code generation, instruction selection based on BURS, I'm not sure which register allocation algorithm would be implemented. If I have enough time, I will examine a peephole optimization phase for LIR.


Let say we have following java code, it repeats many times to calculate the sum of [1,n]:

package com.kelthuzadx.yarrow.test;

public class ControlTest {
    public static int sum(int base) {
        int r = base;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            r += i * 1 / 1;
        return r;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 999998; i++) {

Since I only care about method sum, I can tell JVM my intention:


Yarrow would output its internal intermediate representation. Furthermore, yarrow can dump IR to *.dot files which can be used by graphviz, this facilitates knowing what happens inside the optimizing compiler. The following figure shows the first step of compilation process, it finds leader instructions which can split control flow and builds the complete control flow graph

After that, yarrow generates corresponding SSA instructions