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ERC721 Support
Description: I believe that support for ERC721 is an essential feature in this module.
As far as I know, it doesn't supported yet, please correct me if I'm wrong.
@ronmegini Currently, it does not. Only support ERC20 contract. But still you can use this package to create ERC721 contracts.
@ronmegini Currently, it does not. Only support ERC20 contract. But still you can use this package to create ERC721 contracts.
I am talking about interaction with already deployed ERC721 contracts' functions. Is there an estimated deployment time for this?
I think creating a PR for this ability although Im not very experienced with dart. Is this project active? Someone can review the code and approve the PR?
Do you mean like so ?
Future<String> _mintNFT(
String collectionAddress,
String dataURI,
) async {
//Getting the contract deployed
Contract deployedContract = Contract(
collectionAddress, NFTContract.contractABI, provider!.getSigner());
//Send the function and data to interact with the contract
final transaction = await deployedContract.send('mint', [dataURI]);
//Getting the receipt from the transaction
final receipt = await transaction.wait();
//Returning the transaction hash
return receipt.transactionHash;
@4xMafole I thought about creating new ContractERC721 (same as ContractERC20), according to ERC721 standards