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An ActionCable companion for Y.js clients.



An ActionCable companion for Y.js clients

This project provides you with the necessary JavaScript and Ruby dependencies to set up a reliable WebSocket connection between many Y.js clients and a Ruby on Rails server, using standard Rails ActionCable channels.

The project is organized as a monorepo with npm modules and Ruby gems. Please check the respective sub-repos and documentation for detailed information.


Install gem and npm package:

gem install y-rb_actioncable
yarn add @y-rb/actioncable


Create a Rails channel that includes the Sync module:

# app/channels/sync_channel.rb
class SyncChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  include Y::Actioncable::Sync

  def subscribed
    # initiate sync & subscribe to updates, with optional persistence mechanism

  def receive(message)
    # broadcast update to all connected clients on all servers
    sync_to(session, message)

Create a client and bind to an instance of the tiptap editor:

import {WebsocketProvider} from "@y-rb/actioncable";
import { createConsumer } from "@rails/actioncable";

const document = new Y.Doc();
const consumer = createConsumer();

const provider = new WebsocketProvider(
  {id: "1"}

new Editor({
  element: document.querySelector("#editor"),
  extensions: [
    StarterKit.configure({history: false}),
      user: {name: "Hannes", color: "#ff0000"}


Make sure you have Ruby and Node.js w/ yarn installed. We recommend to manage runtimes with asdf.

yrb-actioncable is a mix of Ruby and JavaScript repositories. The JavaScript repositories are manged with turbo. After you have successfully run yarn in the repository root, turbo will be available and can be used to build packages.


yarn lint:fix     # lint and autocorrect violations
yarn turbo build  # build npm package

Releasing a new version of an npm module is easy. We use changesets to make it really simple:

# Add a new changeset

# Create new versions of packages
changeset version

# Commit and push to main
# GitHub Action will automatically create a tag, a GitHub release entry, build
# and publish the package to npmjs.com. The GitHub Action runs`yarn release`.

If you need to create a new package, please use tsdx for setup. It removes a lot of the setup pain, and creates correct builds for many targets (Node.js, ECMAScript Modules, AMD, …).


Ruby development is less automated. You cannot use turbo commands to build the gem, isntead you need to manually build and release Ruby gems. All gems in the ./gems directory where created using the standard method described on rubygems.org.

cd gems/yrb-actioncable
rake spec
rake build                                    # y-rb_actioncable 0.1.5 built to pkg/y-rb_actioncable-0.1.5.gem
cd pkg && gem push y-rb_actioncable-0.1.5.gem # release new version on rubygems.org

The documentation for a gem is automatically generated and published every time a PR gets merged into main. You can find the documentation here: https://y-crdt.github.io/yrb-actioncable/

The sandbox environment and running Redis specific specs in ./gems/yrb-actioncable require Redis. We use Docker to run the Redis server.


Contributions are welcome. Be nice to people, and follow the following rules.

  1. PRs must be rebased, no merge requests allowed (clean history)
  2. Commit messages must adhere to this convention


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.