dell-7460-7560-hackintosh copied to clipboard
problem of installation
VoodooPS2Trackpad staring: Synaptics TouchPad reports type 0x47, version 8.2
AppleIntelLpassI2CController::_serviceMatchingTimeSubr: fTimerServiceMatching timed out, fNotifications 0
I am the first installation on it I using the EFI of 10.14 and my pc is dell 7560 i5-7200u
我是用黑果小兵的10.14dmg 然後用你的efi文件直接覆蓋了原來的efi 因爲黑果小兵那個直接卡住
小兵的镜像你没选择对应的 config 吗
7560 选择 hd620 的 config 才能装,然后用我这个 EFI 直接安装的话,一般也不会出现问题,但看你发的图,可能要先删除 PS2 的驱动(在 clover/kext/other 里的 voodooPS2),然后如果能安装,安装好了再换完整的 EFI
刪除後還是卡在那裏 但是多了
用黑果小兵镜像里的 EFI,记得选 config
用黑果小兵镜像里的 EFI 這樣
I don't know if there is any relation between our problems, but I had issues (kernel panic on gestures) with the VoodooPS2Controller in this EFI folder (which has more gestures). I'm currently running Rehabman's version. I'm sorry if I didn't understand well, but Google Translator makes the text difficult to understand when translated from Chinese.
@jtwaicheung 你可以像 @rbs7 说的那样,使用 Rehabman 的新版本,可以在这里下载到