> Anything updated about this issue? 🤔 > > I want to use the REGEXP_SUBSTR function in the SQL query to intercept the string in the query result, but I...
It seems that there is data race when concurrently creating table.
> MiniOB doesn't support creating tables or indexes concurrent. You must control it manually. But I will appreciate that if you create a pull request to fix this and I...
> > Because github doesn't support the text send by email in markdown format, I rewrite it in github. > > There are two points: > > 1. creating tables...
> Sure, here it is [innodb intention locks](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.3/en/innodb-locking.html#innodb-intention-locks) and some other pages: https://severalnines.com/blog/understanding-lock-granularity-mysql/ > > SQL server: https://sqlundercover.com/2019/07/25/intent-locks-in-sql-server/ > > PostgreSQL: https://habr.com/en/companies/postgrespro/articles/500714/ > > ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting...
This is a simple [design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FSG1mjx0kEmAyBHPJsqaGg3tzd574DrrMYZCjB334Ro/edit#heading=h.av7lvjyw6vyv), many things may not be considered or described. Hope for your suggestions, I will improve it. PTAL. @hnwyllmm
Is there any performance test tool available in miniob?