adding dependency override to pubspec.yaml solved my problem. ``` dependency_overrides: geolocator: ^7.4.0 ```
Sorry I misunderstood example folder contents.
I was expecting that example shows how to register attach and create two way communication from example. if any change to add, I really will be happy.
receive message, bring app to foreground, go specific page, establish peer to peer connection. As you see there is no callkeep in steps. I build webrtc _sip application. first tried...
> From what I've noticed working with FCM backgroundMessageHandler, what happens is the bgMsgHandler is running on a separate isolate than the main flutter UI thread so it has no...
how to wake up if app is closed? incaming call screen appear but buttons are no effective. @cloudwebrtc
I assume you added according to firebase_messaging instructions. Because background message is a different isolate and runs as I service, you should make modifications in android side. first modify...
I am also getting same error. nothing changed in example project except bundle id
> I am also getting same error. nothing changed in example project except bundle id > my problem was payload. I changed my payload like below and it worked. if...