XYZ Nobody
XYZ Nobody
it's true that internet can be lost for many different reasons, but it's a real inactivity :) If I travel I know I have to increase the time. Otherwise if...
ex where I removed the possibility to uninstall Sentry. But it's still possible to remove the rights of the application and I haven't found a clean way to prevent that....
I don't know if it's related but I just saw that the wipe doesn't work anymore for the LOCK after a BFU. I have to wait again until the device...
If the phone is on and I setup 1D, and I don't unlock it, it wipes. If I turn off the phone, and turn it back on after 2D, well...
I tested by locking the device before turning it off and it is always the same result. The counter starts from 0 after the startup or reboot
this is a great idea. Would it be possible to launch a wipe when installing or trying to install a new package?
could we personalize the notification to be sent with the wasted code ;) ? or block the installation of new packages?
If we could read the adb logs, it would open sentry to all applications that log their events.