aget icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aget copied to clipboard

Minimalistic AUR helper


git clone a package from AUR (the unofficial Arch Linux package repository that contains user-submitted packages), without having to remember the URL.


One way is to install it from AUR, another way is:

sudo pacman -S base-devel git go --noconfirm --needed
go get -u
sudo install -Dm755 ~/go/bin/aget /usr/bin/aget

An alternative to go get + install is to use go install:

go install

Example use

Download and install a package from AUR

First make sure that base and base-devel are installed.

Then download the ld-lsb package from AUR:

aget ld-lsb

Build and install it with makepkg:

makepkg -i

Create a new AUR package

aget newpackage

Your ssh key must be set up at the AUR web page first for this to work.

General information