Xylar Asay-Davis

Results 43 issues of Xylar Asay-Davis

This merge updates support for Chicoma at LANL. It makes a few updates to Chicoma-CPU and adds support for Chicoma's GPU partition. Further discussion can be seen at: https://github.com/E3SM-Ocean-Discussion/E3SM/pull/73

Machine Files

Long name: RRSwISC6to18L80E3SMv3r4 This RRS (Rossby-radius scaled) mesh has: * 6 km resolution near the poles * 18 km resolution at the equator This is a proposed E3SM v3 (E3)...


A recent change in grayskull seems to now be producing lines like: ``` - crate >=0.30.1,


**Describe the bug** Dependencies like the following in a `pyproject.toml` raise a `grayskull.strategy.py_toml.InvalidPoetryDependency` error: ``` pyarrow = [ {version = ">=6.0.0", python = ">=3.7,=10.0.1", python = ">=3.11"} ] ``` **To...


When I run the conservation analysis task, I'm seeing the bug reported in: https://github.com/E3SM-Project/E3SM/issues/6327 It manifests as: ``` Open conservation file /lcrc/group/e3sm/ac.xylar/analysis/20240328.GMPAS-JRA1p5-DIB-PISMF-TMIX.TL319_IcoswISC30E3r5.chrysalis/yrs-01-10/timeseries/oceanConservation.nc... analysis task oceanConservation failed during run Traceback (most...


The `soseTransects: remapTransects` subtask is hanging early in the run: ``` Remapping climatology SOSE_transects ``` No further output is produced. Config file is: ``` /home/ac.xylar/e3sm_work/analysis/20230809.v3alpha02.piControl.ne30-oRRS18to6.chrysalis.cfg ``` on LCRC.


The `mesh_rename` test in the suite on Compy is failing during calls to `ESMF_RegridWeightGen` for currently unknown reasons.


The ridiculous number of digits in the tick marks on these diff plots is quite distracting: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4179064/233191785-bbdfb9ce-2daa-4267-b90b-951431559f96.png) In addition, the diff colormap seems too narrow and often gives the impression...


Plots like this one: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4179064/233191064-4faadea7-ecc5-4988-a986-3e3cae5801c8.png) give the misleading impression that the BSF for the two simulations are more different than similar. This is because the linear regime for the SymLog...

clean up

@alicebarthel found this in runs that start at year 50 (but 21 to 30 are the defaults). The same should be true for time series and climate indices.
