h5player copied to clipboard
Plugin name and description default language is Chinese (within TM)
- 问题描述 / Problem description
For unknown language, TamperMonkey fall back to Chinese. English is likely a more accessible choice. I have prepared a pull request to fix this problem. I hope you like it! https://github.com/xxxily/h5player/pull/270
- 出现上述问题的地址 / Address where the above problem occurred
This is not a problem with the video player, but with the plugin meta data. You can see it here. chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/options.html#nav=dashboard
- 你使用的浏览器与浏览器版本信息 / Browser Version
Google Chrome | 91.0.4472.124 (Officiell version) (64 bitar) (cohort: stable_gradual_rollout) Version | 7345a6d1bfcaff81162a957e9b7d52649fe2ac38-refs/branch-heads/4472_114@{#6} OS | Windows 10 OS Version 2009 (Build 19042.1052) JavaScript | V8
- 其他附注信息 / Additional Information
When the language is set to Swedish, the plugin name is given in Chinese. HTML5视频播放器增强脚本 Only when language is set to English, can we see the English translation. HTML5 video player enhanced script
Note: The similar problem appear on GreaseFork page for "unknown" language. In this case the user can easily switch to English in the dropdown, and English "readme" is available. Where is that information stored? https://greasyfork.org/sv/scripts/381682-html5%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91%E6%92%AD%E6%94%BE%E5%99%A8%E5%A2%9E%E5%BC%BA%E8%84%9A%E6%9C%AC