Dear author, sometimes it takes a long time to build call graph for large program 1. how to save CallGraph to disk such as dot file? 2. how to load...
When I build call graph for a jar file,it is a large amount data and takes a lot of time to build. @msridhar How can I only build call graph...
When I try to add JUnit4 entrypoint support #669 ,I failed to build call graph for the java class without main method. I'm not sure how to make call graph...
How to build call graph between two classes? A.java may invokes methods in B.java, how can we build a whole call graph for the two classes? Please give me a...
Hello author,when I run afl in ubuntu 20.04,I met the following error.Why does this error occur?What caused this error?Is it caused by the **AFL_**(AFL_NO_FORKSRV) environment variable set?How to deal with...