Xiaochang Wu
Xiaochang Wu
Current ALS data input is using row index and column index to index rating in rating matrix. In real use cases, those row index and column index are usually using...
**Describe the bug** I am developing a distributed implicit_als. And encountered this exception when doing init. ``` terminate called after throwing an instance of 'daal::services::interface1::Exception' what(): Incorrect parameter Details: Parameter...
We used oneDAL API for NumericTable backed by ByteBuffer, output the following message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: size of the block of rows cannot exceed 2 gigabytes at com.intel.daal.data_management.data.HomogenNumericTableByteBufferImpl.getBlockOfRows(Unknown Source) at com.intel.daal.data_management.data.HomogenNumericTable.getBlockOfRows(Unknown Source)\...
When benchmark using [xgb_cpu_main_config.json](https://github.com/IntelPython/scikit-learn_bench/blob/master/configs/xgboost/xgb_cpu_main_config.json). The following datasets are missing ``` WARNING: Dataset mlsr could not be loaded. Check the correct name or expand the download in the folder dataset. INFO:...
* Update models to pydantic v2 as latest vllm has adopted v2 models instead of v1 * Fix AutoscalingConfig model as it's from Ray Serve that is based on pydantic...
User can change GpuAlgorithmFPType/CpuAlgorithFPType using SparkConf GpuAlgorithmFPType is float, CpuAlgorithFPType is double by default.
Barrier Execution Mode is only supported without dynamic allocation