dotfiles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotfiles copied to clipboard

A user environment for Unix-like systems.

     .::            .::      .::    .::
     .::            .::    .:    .: .::
     .::   .::    .:.: .:.:.: .:    .::   .::     .::::
 .:: .:: .::  .::   .::    .::  .:: .:: .:   .:: .::
.:   .::.::    .::  .::    .::  .:: .::.::::: .::  .:::
.:   .:: .::  .::   .::    .::  .:: .::.:            .::
 .:: .::   .::       .::   .::  .::.:::  .::::   .:: .::



An OS X and Linux environment with configuration scripts. Uses the bindle configuration management tool.



Assuming you have Homebrew installed, copy the following and paste it into your terminal:

brew install alphabetum/taps/bindle && \
bindle init "$HOME/.dotfiles" && \
bindle bootstrap osx

This will take some time to run (it has to pull the submodules) and should

  1. install the bindle tool,
  2. clone the repository to your home directory,
  3. add a ~/bin directory if one is not already present,
  4. and add a ~/.bindlerc configuration file.

Use the bindle tool to experiment with linking files into your environment. bindle commands can be discovered by running bindle help.


Warning: The current Linux bootstrapping overwrites existing configuration files, installs various packages in $HOME, and changes the shell to zsh.

Run the following, preferably at the root level of you home directory.

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 "$HOME/.bindle" && \



All of the tracked scripts and binaries, and everything at the first level of this directory should be symlinked into $HOME/bin.


Configuration files for applications.


All of the tracked dotfiles, and everything at the first level of this directory should be symlinked into $HOME.

Most settings work with both bash and zsh, though zsh is assumed to be the default.

The vim configuration assumes the use of macvim and janus. Plugins are included in the ./home/.janus directory as submodules. oh-my-zsh is used for zsh configuration, and and uses .oh-my-zsh.custom for the custom directory.


A directory that isn't tracked by git. Can be used for anything non-public.


Scripts for configuring or updating environments.


Files and resources that are actively being linked or used by scripts.

Local Configuration

The following files are expected and should be added to $HOME with any local settings.

  • .gitconfig.local
  • .hgrc.local

Other .local files can also be used to modify other tracked files. All of the available .local files can be created by copying the corresponding .local.example files into $HOME with the .example extension removed.

More Resources