William Melody

Results 106 comments of William Melody

@adulau Glad you like it! That sounds like it would be doable as a plugin that uses [`exiftool`](https://exiftool.org/) combined with `import` or `add`. I'll have to think more about this.

Multiple selectors can be passed to [`delete`](https://github.com/xwmx/nb#deleting), and globbing is supported in `import`. I hadn't considered supporting multiple selectors with `edit`. For simple `edit` calls, the resolved paths could theoretically...

@dixonge Indeed, `nb` performs an index reconciliation whenever there are uncommitted changes or when `ls` / `list` encounters a file that's not in the directory's `.index`.

Currently, the core functionality should work as it currently exists in any environment with Bash, Git, and a POSIX environment with file system access. It might work in MSYS2 or...

@RoyiAvital The [recommended dependencies](https://github.com/xwmx/nb#optional): `bat`, `ncat`, `pandoc`, `rg`, `tig`, `w3m`

@doctorfree Thanks for the heads up. It looks like the apt package detection pattern wasn't matching available packages. It's updated in the latest version of the repo.

As of version 7.7.0, there is now an [`$NB_MARKDOWN_TOOL`](https://github.com/xwmx/nb#nb_markdown_tool) configuration variable that can be set to `bat`, `glow`, `mdcat`, `mdless`, or `mdv`. To use `glow` as the viewer for Markdown...

@voxelv Thanks for the information. Can you try the following two commands and let me know if there is any output? Each command should print the web page markup to...

@voxelv Thanks. Can you try running the following command, then opening http://localhost:6789/ in a GUI web browser? The command should stay open listening for a request and then exit after...

@voxelv The issue that @eshad encountered was different. @voxelv It looks like the error has something to do with `ncat` and Windows. I would have to run commands and experiment...