react-native-yz-vlcplayer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-yz-vlcplayer copied to clipboard

VLC Player for react-native

Results 38 react-native-yz-vlcplayer issues
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我的项目是rn项目引入了这个库: "react-native-yz-vlcplayer": "1.1.1-beta7" 。现在项目运行大概12小时左右就会出现此问题,请问是怎么导致导致的?建议怎么修改呢?请求帮助谢谢 My project rn project introduced this library: "react-native-yz-vlcplayer": "1.1.1-beta7".Now this problem will occur when the project runs for about 12 hours. May I ask how it...

HLS Streaming stop playing with onEnd even after some seconds, maybe it plays only 1 chunklist. It was a live streaming m3u8, I already check the log. The duration was...

Hi, help pls ![image]( I did everything as in the manual, but problem on ios before all worked fine, but then i updated xcode to 12.3 and now ![image]( i...

![image]( rtsp-caching从150改为300后,还是延迟

Hello I'm working on a video application with an RTSP stream. Is it possible to reduce latency in another way than : ` initOptions={[ "--rtsp-tcp", "--network-caching=" + 0, "--rtsp-caching=" +...

I have found that the stream is freezing after some time for different cameras in the project. I'm using [react-native-vlcplayer]( package in the RN app and inside it uses this...

烦死了 这个东西找不到 跟着教程走的

Please add support for react native 0.62

rtsp 不能播放

VlcSimplePlayer stop live streaming after a few seconds on Android Emulator. This is my player code: