xgen copied to clipboard
Created Go type but it was not used.
Description Xgen is creating a Go type for a element but the type was not used.
The xsd used is this one: e400101_v1.00.xsd.zip
$ go get -u github.com/xuri/xgen
go: github.com/xuri/xgen upgrade => v0.0.0-20200517172312-9d8630233132
go: finding module for package golang.org/x/net/html/charset
go: found golang.org/x/net/html/charset in golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20200513185701-a91f0712d120
go: golang.org/x/text upgrade => v0.3.2
$ xgen -l Go -p evento -o ./v1.00/evento/ -i ./schemas/Evento_AlertaFisco_v1.01/e400101_v1.00.xsd
Describe the results you received:
type DetEvento struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"detEvento"`
VersaoAttr interface{} `xml:"versao,attr,omitempty"`
DescEvento *DescEvento `xml:"descEvento"`
COrgaoAutor *TCodUfIBGE `xml:"cOrgaoAutor"`
TpAutor *TpAutor `xml:"tpAutor"`
VerAplic *TVerAplic `xml:"verAplic"`
XObs *XObs `xml:"xObs"`
MotivoCanc *MotivoCanc `xml:"motivoCanc"`
CPFOper *TCpf `xml:"CPFOper"`
NomeOper *NomeOper `xml:"nomeOper"`
RepOper string `xml:"repOper"`
// RepOper ...
type RepOper string
Describe the results you expected:
type DetEvento struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"detEvento"`
VersaoAttr interface{} `xml:"versao,attr,omitempty"`
DescEvento *DescEvento `xml:"descEvento"`
COrgaoAutor *TCodUfIBGE `xml:"cOrgaoAutor"`
TpAutor *TpAutor `xml:"tpAutor"`
VerAplic *TVerAplic `xml:"verAplic"`
XObs *XObs `xml:"xObs"`
MotivoCanc *MotivoCanc `xml:"motivoCanc"`
CPFOper *TCpf `xml:"CPFOper"`
NomeOper *NomeOper `xml:"nomeOper"`
RepOper RepOper `xml:"repOper"`
// RepOper ...
type RepOper string
type DetEvento struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"detEvento"`
VersaoAttr interface{} `xml:"versao,attr,omitempty"`
DescEvento *DescEvento `xml:"descEvento"`
COrgaoAutor *TCodUfIBGE `xml:"cOrgaoAutor"`
TpAutor *TpAutor `xml:"tpAutor"`
VerAplic *TVerAplic `xml:"verAplic"`
XObs *XObs `xml:"xObs"`
MotivoCanc *MotivoCanc `xml:"motivoCanc"`
CPFOper *TCpf `xml:"CPFOper"`
NomeOper *NomeOper `xml:"nomeOper"`
RepOper string `xml:"repOper"`
Output of go version
go version go1.14.2 windows/amd64