a-reproducible-research-workflow copied to clipboard
#+TITLE: A Reproducible Research Workflow
- Introduction
- Run experiments, monitor process and save results
- Collect results and display
- Communicating results
- Run experiments and save results
- Check out demo scripts
- Folder structure and each file
- The main script with a CLI
- [[https://wandb.ai/][W&B]] short intro
- A master script for batch execution
- Parallel execution
- It's a better practice to have off-line evaluation.
- Easy to re-do evaluation
- Time saving
- Collect results and display
- Check out =notebooks/report-exp_1.ipynb=
- $\LaTeX$ tables made easy
- Generate an informal report
- [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literate_programming][Literate programming]] via Org mode
- A [[https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v046i03][paper]] on how literate programming is good for reproducible research #+begin_src jupyter-python def fib(n): if n <= 2: return 1 else: return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) #fib(4) #[fib(i) for i in range(5)] [["i", "fib(i)"]] + [None] + [[i, fib(i)] for i in range(5)] #+end_src
- Check out =docs/meeting-27-june-2021.org=
- Export to different formats
- Formatting reveal.js #+begin_src #+OPTIONS: toc:nil reveal_width:1200 reveal_height:900 #+REVEAL_MIN_SCALE: 0.6 #+REVEAL_MAX_SCALE: 0.8 #+REVEAL_TRANS: slide #+REVEAL_THEME: simple #+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (markdown highlight search) #+REVEAL_HLEVEL: 2 #+REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE: #+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: /Users/kai/org/revealjs.css #+end_src
- Limitations of Org mode or Emacs
- Learning curve
- Collaborative editing