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Deep learning-based outlier/anomaly detection

Python Deep Outlier/Anomaly Detection (DeepOD)

.. image:: :target: :alt: testing2

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

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DeepOD is an open-source python library for Deep Learning-based Outlier Detection <>_ and Anomaly Detection <>_. DeepOD supports tabular anomaly detection and time-series anomaly detection.

DeepOD includes 27 deep outlier detection / anomaly detection algorithms (in unsupervised/weakly-supervised paradigm). More baseline algorithms will be included later.

DeepOD is featured for:

  • Unified APIs across various algorithms.
  • SOTA models includes reconstruction-, representation-learning-, and self-superivsed-based latest deep learning methods.
  • Comprehensive Testbed that can be used to directly test different models on benchmark datasets (highly recommend for academic research).
  • Versatile in different data types including tabular and time-series data (DeepOD will support other data types like images, graph, log, trace, etc. in the future, welcome PR :telescope:).
  • Diverse Network Structures can be plugged into detection models, we now support LSTM, GRU, TCN, Conv, and Transformer for time-series data. (welcome PR as well :sparkles:)

If you are interested in our project, we are pleased to have your stars and forks :thumbsup: :beers: .


The DeepOD framework can be installed via:

.. code-block:: bash

    pip install deepod

install a developing version (strongly recommend)

.. code-block:: bash

    git clone
    cd DeepOD
    pip install .


Directly use detection models in DeepOD: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

DeepOD can be used in a few lines of code. This API style is the same with Sklean <>_ and PyOD <>_.

for tabular anomaly detection:

.. code-block:: python

# unsupervised methods
from deepod.models.tabular import DeepSVDD
clf = DeepSVDD(), y=None)
scores = clf.decision_function(X_test)

# weakly-supervised methods
from deepod.models.tabular import DevNet
clf = DevNet(), y=semi_y) # semi_y uses 1 for known anomalies, and 0 for unlabeled data
scores = clf.decision_function(X_test)

# evaluation of tabular anomaly detection
from deepod.metrics import tabular_metrics
auc, ap, f1 = tabular_metrics(y_test, scores)

for time series anomaly detection:

.. code-block:: python

# time series anomaly detection methods
from deepod.models.time_series import TimesNet
clf = TimesNet()
scores = clf.decision_function(X_test)

# evaluation of time series anomaly detection
from deepod.metrics import ts_metrics
from deepod.metrics import point_adjustment # execute point adjustment for time series ad
eval_metrics = ts_metrics(labels, scores)
adj_eval_metrics = ts_metrics(labels, point_adjustment(labels, scores))

Testbed usage: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Testbed contains the whole process of testing an anomaly detection model, including data loading, preprocessing, anomaly detection, and evaluation.

Please refer to testbed/

  • testbed/ is for testing unsupervised tabular anomaly detection models.

  • testbed/ is for testing unsupervised time-series anomaly detection models.

Key arguments:

  • --input_dir: name of the folder that contains datasets (.csv, .npy)

  • --dataset: "FULL" represents testing all the files within the folder, or a list of dataset names using commas to split them (e.g., "10_cover*,20_letter*")

  • --model: anomaly detection model name

  • --runs: how many times running the detection model, finally report an average performance with standard deviation values


  1. Download ADBench <>_ datasets.
  2. modify the dataset_root variable as the directory of the dataset.
  3. input_dir is the sub-folder name of the dataset_root, e.g., Classical or NLP_by_BERT.
  4. use the following command in the bash

.. code-block:: bash

cd DeepOD
pip install .
cd testbed
python --model DeepIsolationForest --runs 5 --input_dir ADBench

Implemented Models

**Tabular Anomaly Detection models:**

.. csv-table:: 
 :header: "Model", "Venue", "Year", "Type", "Title"
 :widths: 4, 4, 4, 8, 20 

 Deep SVDD, ICML, 2018, unsupervised, Deep One-Class Classification  [#Ruff2018Deep]_
 REPEN, KDD, 2018, unsupervised, Learning Representations of Ultrahigh-dimensional Data for Random Distance-based Outlier Detection [#Pang2019Repen]_
 RDP, IJCAI, 2020, unsupervised, Unsupervised Representation Learning by Predicting Random Distances [#Wang2020RDP]_
 RCA, IJCAI, 2021, unsupervised, RCA: A Deep Collaborative Autoencoder Approach for Anomaly Detection [#Liu2021RCA]_
 GOAD, ICLR, 2020, unsupervised, Classification-Based Anomaly Detection for General Data [#Bergman2020GOAD]_
 NeuTraL, ICML, 2021, unsupervised, Neural Transformation Learning for Deep Anomaly Detection Beyond Images [#Qiu2021Neutral]_
 ICL, ICLR, 2022, unsupervised, Anomaly Detection for Tabular Data with Internal Contrastive Learning [#Shenkar2022ICL]_
 DIF, TKDE, 2023, unsupervised, Deep Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection [#Xu2023DIF]_
 SLAD, ICML, 2023, unsupervised, Fascinating Supervisory Signals and Where to Find Them: Deep Anomaly Detection with Scale Learning [#Xu2023SLAD]_
 DevNet, KDD, 2019, weakly-supervised, Deep Anomaly Detection with Deviation Networks [#Pang2019DevNet]_
 PReNet, KDD, 2023, weakly-supervised, Deep Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection [#Pang2023PreNet]_
 Deep SAD, ICLR, 2020, weakly-supervised, Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection [#Ruff2020DSAD]_
 FeaWAD, TNNLS, 2021, weakly-supervised, Feature Encoding with AutoEncoders for Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection [#Zhou2021FeaWAD]_
 RoSAS, IP&M, 2023, weakly-supervised, RoSAS: Deep semi-supervised anomaly detection with contamination-resilient continuous supervision [#Xu2023RoSAS]_

**Time-series Anomaly Detection models:**

.. csv-table:: 
 :header: "Model", "Venue", "Year", "Type", "Title"
 :widths: 4, 4, 4, 8, 20 

 DCdetector, KDD, 2023, unsupervised, DCdetector: Dual Attention Contrastive Representation Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection [#Yang2023dcdetector]_
 TimesNet, ICLR, 2023, unsupervised, TIMESNET: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis [#Wu2023timesnet]_
 AnomalyTransformer, ICLR, 2022, unsupervised, Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy [#Xu2022transformer]_
 NCAD, IJCAI, 2022, unsupervised, Neural Contextual Anomaly Detection for Time Series [#Carmona2022NCAD]_
 TranAD, VLDB, 2022, unsupervised, TranAD: Deep Transformer Networks for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data [#Tuli2022TranAD]_
 COUTA, TKDE, 2024, unsupervised, Calibrated One-class Classification for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection [#Xu2024COUTA]_
 USAD, KDD, 2020, unsupervised, USAD: UnSupervised Anomaly Detection on Multivariate Time Series  
 DIF, TKDE, 2023, unsupervised, Deep Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection [#Xu2023DIF]_
 TcnED, TNNLS, 2021, unsupervised, An Evaluation of Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Multivariate Time Series [#Garg2021Evaluation]_
 Deep SVDD (TS), ICML, 2018, unsupervised, Deep One-Class Classification [#Ruff2018Deep]_
 DevNet (TS), KDD, 2019, weakly-supervised, Deep Anomaly Detection with Deviation Networks [#Pang2019DevNet]_
 PReNet (TS), KDD, 2023, weakly-supervised, Deep Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection [#Pang2023PreNet]_
 Deep SAD (TS), ICLR, 2020, weakly-supervised, Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection [#Ruff2020DSAD]_


- For Deep SVDD, DevNet, PReNet, and DeepSAD, we employ network structures that can handle time-series data. These models' classes have a parameter named  ``network`` in these models, by changing it, you can use different networks.   

- We currently support 'TCN', 'GRU', 'LSTM', 'Transformer', 'ConvSeq', and 'DilatedConv'.   

If you use this library in your work, please cite this paper:

Hongzuo Xu, Guansong Pang, Yijie Wang and Yongjun Wang, "Deep Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2023.3270293.

You can also use the BibTex entry below for citation.

.. code-block:: bibtex

      author={Xu, Hongzuo and Pang, Guansong and Wang, Yijie and Wang, Yongjun},
      journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, 
      title={Deep Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection}, 

Star History

Current stars:

.. image::
   :alt: GitHub Repo stars

.. image::
   :align: center


.. [#Ruff2018Deep] Ruff, Lukas, et al. "Deep one-class classification." ICML. 2018.

.. [#Pang2019Repen] Pang, Guansong, et al. "Learning representations of ultrahigh-dimensional data for random distance-based outlier detection". KDD (pp. 2041-2050). 2018.

.. [#Wang2020RDP] Wang, Hu, et al. "Unsupervised Representation Learning by Predicting Random Distances". IJCAI (pp. 2950-2956). 2020.

.. [#Liu2021RCA] Liu, Boyang, et al. "RCA: A Deep Collaborative Autoencoder Approach for Anomaly Detection". IJCAI (pp. 1505-1511). 2021.

.. [#Bergman2020GOAD] Bergman, Liron, and Yedid Hoshen. "Classification-Based Anomaly Detection for General Data". ICLR. 2020.

.. [#Qiu2021Neutral] Qiu, Chen, et al. "Neural Transformation Learning for Deep Anomaly Detection Beyond Images". ICML. 2021.

.. [#Shenkar2022ICL] Shenkar, Tom, et al. "Anomaly Detection for Tabular Data with Internal Contrastive Learning". ICLR. 2022.

.. [#Pang2019DevNet] Pang, Guansong, et al. "Deep Anomaly Detection with Deviation Networks". KDD. 2019.

.. [#Pang2023PreNet] Pang, Guansong, et al. "Deep Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection". KDD. 2023. 

.. [#Ruff2020DSAD] Ruff, Lukas, et al. "Deep Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection". ICLR. 2020. 

.. [#Zhou2021FeaWAD] Zhou, Yingjie, et al. "Feature Encoding with AutoEncoders for Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection". TNNLS. 2021. 

.. [#Xu2022transformer] Xu, Jiehui, et al. "Anomaly Transformer: Time Series Anomaly Detection with Association Discrepancy". ICLR, 2022.

.. [#Wu2023timesnet] Wu, Haixu, et al. "TimesNet: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis". ICLR. 2023.

.. [#Yang2023dcdetector] Yang, Yiyuan, et al. "DCdetector: Dual Attention Contrastive Representation Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection". KDD. 2023

.. [#Tuli2022TranAD] Tuli, Shreshth, et al. "TranAD: Deep Transformer Networks for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data". VLDB. 2022.

.. [#Carmona2022NCAD] Carmona, Chris U., et al. "Neural Contextual Anomaly Detection for Time Series". IJCAI. 2022. 

.. [#Garg2021Evaluation] Garg, Astha, et al. "An Evaluation of Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in Multivariate Time Series". TNNLS. 2021. 

.. [#Xu2024COUTA] Xu, Hongzuo et al. "Calibrated One-class Classification for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection". TKDE. 2024.

.. [#Xu2023DIF] Xu, Hongzuo et al. "Deep Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection". TKDE. 2023.

.. [#Xu2023SLAD] Xu, Hongzuo et al. "Fascinating supervisory signals and where to find them: deep anomaly detection with scale learning". ICML. 2023. 

.. [#Xu2023RoSAS] Xu, Hongzuo et al. "RoSAS: Deep semi-supervised anomaly detection with contamination-resilient continuous supervision". IP&M. 2023.