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Contrastive Prediction
Thank U for your code. I find a question in code of contrastive prediction. In
# train ssp_head
for epoch in range(args.t_epoch):
loss_record = AverageMeter()
acc_record = AverageMeter()
start = time.time()
for x, _ in train_loader:
x = x.cuda()
c,h,w = x.size()[-3:]
x = x.view(-1, c, h, w)
_, rep, feat = t_model(x, bb_grad=False)
batch = int(x.size(0) / 4)
nor_index = (torch.arange(4*batch) % 4 == 0).cuda()
aug_index = (torch.arange(4*batch) % 4 != 0).cuda()
nor_rep = rep[nor_index]
aug_rep = rep[aug_index]
nor_rep = nor_rep.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1,-1,3*batch).transpose(0,2)
aug_rep = aug_rep.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1,-1,1*batch)
simi = F.cosine_similarity(aug_rep, nor_rep, dim=1)
target = torch.arange(batch).unsqueeze(1).expand(-1,3).contiguous().view(-1).long().cuda()
loss = F.cross_entropy(simi, target)
I think nor_rep and aug_rep come from different samples. It is not the relation between X and its transformation mentioned in the paper. Is my understanding wrong?
Hi, thanks for running this repo.
The batch from train_loader is 64x4x3x32x32. The dimension '4' means one normal data + three transformed data. After x.view(), its shape is (64x4)x3x32x32. Suppose the output feature shape is (64x4)xF. nor_index and aug_index split the output features into two tensors: 64xF (normal) and 192xF (transformed). These two tensors are corresponding to nor_rep and aug_rep.
你好,我的疑惑主要是这个4是怎么来的。 pytorch进行是在线增广,这样1个epoch里面应该不会同时出现1个样本及其变换吧。即便存在的话,为什么确定是一个原本加上增广的3个样本,这个1+3是怎么来的?