go-react-todo copied to clipboard
Todo REST API written in Go, React frontend client, setup using docker & docker-compose.
- Todo REST API in Go
- React frontend client with Redux.
- Setup with docker & docker-compose.
Database library for postgres is Gorp, livereloading goes to codegangsta/Gin, HTTP framework used is gin-gonic/gin.
Docker-compose file contains the definition for three containers - database (postgres), backend (Go) and frontend (React).
See it in action: http://go-react-todo.trina.si/
- docker
- docker-compose
Development setup:
$ docker-compose up
Find your docker-machine IP by running
$ docker-machine env default
Go todo API (backend) can be accessed at port 8080, webpack-dev-server (react frontend) at 9000. Requests from webpack-dev-server are proxied to the Go container by webpack conifig. Live reloading is provided by codegangsta/Gin.
Production setup:
In production livereloading of Go code and a frontend container are not needed. There are now only three containers: postgres database, go backend and a nginx container. A separate docker-compose file is used, as seen below. Run the following scripts in your cloned git directory:
# will create build/ directory in ../nginx/, where it is then
# mounted into nginx container to be served as static files
$ cd client/ && npm run-script build
$ cd ../ && docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
You server container will be listening at port 8002 as exposed in docker-compose.prod.yml.
API endpoints
- GET api/v1/todos/
- GET api/v1/todos/:id
- POST api/v1/todos
- PUT api/v1/todos/:id
- DELETE api/v1/todos/:id