I can still remember when I came to understand Jason's passing in 2016. For years I always have this strange feeling when I see people opening issues on this repository.
English is given at schools all across the US, UK, whole of Europe and pretty much all over the place. So it is more logical to ask questions in English.
Yeah happy new year Jason!
you have picture with facial phone, where is supposed ear?
Shit...... my sincere condolences.
@jasonhinkle Isn't this outside the scope of the framework? isn't it like if you would like to add an upload function, that you should open up the View template, then...
@jasonhinkle If you would like to build this kind of extra functionality, I would like to see an more advanced builder. Right now you can load in tables and their...
@jasonhinkle Would it be an idea to let the builder guide you through every table seperatly? So first analysis gives me the table called 'users'. Then I could define the...
I agree,one page is great.
I have been thinking about the upload file form, that is generated in the builder and have my thought about it: You will end up adding a path to the...