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Results 10 zefoy issues
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command: `$ python3 main.py` output: `You do not have all of the modules required installed. ` Device - VPS UBUNTU **20.04** - Python version **Python 3.8.10**

need to update the discord in read me

You do not have all of the modules required installed.

`NoSuchElementException` was thrown on line 124/125; added try except to catch and handle it changed driver to `Driver(uc=True)`; original driver was throwing an error and not running correctly

{x} - hearts : [PHPSESSID not found.] {x} - followers: [PHPSESSID not found.] {x} - views : [PHPSESSID not found.] {x} - shares : [PHPSESSID not found.] {x} - favorites:...

I got an error trying to use the code, cloudfare blocked selenium so I can't access zefoy, maybe the cloudfare bypass is too old, how to fix it?

First iteration of views is working, 1000 views are send and then the code crashes with the bellow error. Is there a fix for this? Tnx File "/ home/da/zefoy/main.py", line...

Cant install the modules. Error: "You do not have all of the modules required installed." Where do i get them? Thanks!