## Proposal / Add a option in `cilium install` to strip the sha256 of the docker image for the installation without Internet **Is your feature request related to a problem?**...
Hi, The expose port in latest docker image(prometheuscommunity/elasticsearch-exporter:v1.3.0) and Dockerfile(https://github.com/prometheus-community/elasticsearch_exporter/blob/master/Dockerfile) is 7979. While the default value of web.listen-addres is ":9114". Maybe one of them need to be modified.
## Check list - [x] I have read through the [README](https://github.com/wfxr/csview/blob/master/README.md) - [x] I have searched through the existing issues ## Environment info - OS - [x] Linux - [...
错误信息: ``` ERROR - 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://www.amazon.cn/error ``` 我有cn和com两个账号,com的账号(绑定了KPW设备)使用 Kindle_download_helper 能正常下载,但cn账号(无实体设备)就会出现上面的错误。仅通过我的个例无法判断是否与实体设备有关。 我的解决办法是,先完成电子书的下载,再想办法去除DRM。 1. 安装旧版本 KindleForPC(我使用的是 KindleForPC-installer-1.24.51068.exe),注意禁止它自动升级。在 KindleForPC 中登陆 cn 的账号,在 KindleForPC 的“图书馆”--“全部”中,逐个右键点击“下载”(没找到批量操作方法),它会将电子书下载到本地电脑,格式为 awz。 2. 使用旧版本...
The current: [https://github.com/remvze/moodist](https://github.com/remvze/moodist) The other: [https://github.com/geekyouth/moodist](https://github.com/geekyouth/moodist)
The current release tgz file ` tidy-viewer-1.5.2.tgz` will leads to wrong ownership(1000:1000) for `/root` after extracting it if you are in `/root` directory.
请问软件启动时自动与 `developers.whatismybrowser.com` 创建连接并卡顿,我搜索代码没找到 `whatismybrowser` 相关的代码,是在哪里引入的呢? lux: version 0.24.1
这个项目是抄袭别人的吗? 你的:[https://github.com/geekyouth/moodist](https://github.com/geekyouth/moodist) 你的官网:[https://moodist.java666.cn/](https://moodist.java666.cn/) 别人的:[https://github.com/remvze/moodist](https://github.com/remvze/moodist) 别人的官网:[https://moodist.app/](https://moodist.app/)
使用 gg 测试的结果显示没有可用节点,报 `websocket: bad handshake` 错误 ``` [me@test-archlinux tmp]$ ./gg-linux-x86_64 -vv -s https://sub.xxx.com/sub/uuidkey?clash=1 curl -v www.google.com TRAC[0000] Version: v0.2.18 TRAC[0000] OS/Arch: linux/amd64 TRAC[0000] No config file found. Using default...
使用订阅方式自动下载云盘中的指定目录时,会持续报错 `Error happened, func: fs_list, err: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get', retrying` kubespider版本:v0.7.0 部署方式:docker docker 启动脚本: ``` [Systemd] ❯ cat run_kubespider.sh #!/bin/bash mkdir -p kubespider docker run -d --restart...