@ikogan please try the play store version instead...it worked for me on my shield tv.
@Fleker Until I get my PC fixed...cant really helped at all...(Im using my shield TV & using google chrome dev)...whats the database used for?
@Fleker You might want to look into null values trying to be parse in your code...so I will suggest to check your database & java code for any errors.
@Wanderer189 Download Android studio and GitHub desktop and either download the project from the browser or use GitHub desktop to sync a copy to you pc and launch Android studio...
You can probably set another variable as a boolean to make your life easier. ``` USE_CONFIG_FILE: false ``` If it's false the "CONFIG_JSON" variable is required if true, check the...
i mean mostly for docker, but it would be great to create tags for versions too.
@woooferz https://github.com/docker/build-push-action https://github.com/marketplace/actions/build-and-push-docker-images
@luimix2129 this is a sample not an actual library....
can you give an example? are you trying `www.mydomain.com` or `www.app.mydomain.com`? did you create the cname record(s) that points to the A record? or.......A records like `www` to MY_PUBLIC_IP.
> Hello, this is good to know. I do want it to be enabled for all of the *.domain.com addresses. > > I do not have a CNAME, but instead...