zigbeeFirmware copied to clipboard
Hi! I have a ZB-GW03-V1.4 flashed with ESPHOME and I tried updating its Zigbee firmware to **ncp-uart-sw_6.10.9_115200.ota** without success. The update finishes fine, but after reboot neither Z2M nor ZHA...
@xsp1989 do you expect to compile new version with 7.3.2 or 7.4.0? Just a small apart dunno if this is the correct place to post it... this new versions working...
Hi, How can I convert the `.gbl` firmwares to `.ota` so that I can experiment with the GW03 hub? Given the chip inside is the same, is there objective reason...
@xsp1989 Please consider making use of the "Silicon Labs firmware builder" which is a new open-source firmware build system that Home Assistant founders have now among other things announced as...
Home Assistant founders (and Nabu Casa) have recently among other things announced: "[SL Web Tools](https://github.com/NabuCasa/sl-web-tools)" project (short for "Silicon Labs Web Tools") is available as open source, so wondering if...
Suggest add branding to all EFR32 firmware for each device type/model ID as "userdata" so that software that use the Zigbee device get product brand and model info into logs...
Is there a method to flash the firmware without using Telnet? Every time and method (OS) I've used just continues to disconnect and doesn't end up uploading the new firmware....