android_packages_apps_Focal copied to clipboard
Rotation and Graphical issues
Nexus 4, Stock 4.3, rooted Whenever I take a photo, video or picsphere in portrait mode, it saves it in landscape. In landscape, it saves in portrait... The other way up. However, it displays normally while taking the shot.
The metadata indicated that the orientation is at 90 degrees. The metadata also indicates that the time the photo was taken is: 1 Jan 1970 10:00:00.
While taking a panorama the camera is rotated in the same way the photos/videos do once taken... But it saves the right way up...
Also, while a panorama is rendering, the graphics go all... Funny...
Also, when rendering a picsphere, can you please give some indication of whether or not the app is leavable while rendering? I would prefer it if we could, but at least an indicator would be good.
Even though this is an issue report, I would like to say that in spite of these issues, the photos and videos taken are of a better quality than the stock app.
And sorry about the bad photos of my room - I couldn't be bothered getting up because these issues were more important. I haven't played with any other features yet. I'll submit another bug if I break something...
Just played with effects - they have no effect on rotation or timestamp...
Reinstallation didn't fix...
Managed to get a logcat:
Only just got the update. Here is my update:
Normal photos now work from the outside camera - they are saved upside down when taken from the inside camera (But show right way up)
Videos still save rotated, but show they are filming normally. Also, I have to reboot after filming, because the camera becomes disabled... Both within Focal and the stock app. You also seem to be leaving TMP files (Or the stock app is is...)
Panoramas are still recording rotated, and they still show weird glitch-ups when rendering, but are now also saving rotated...
PicSpheres show what the camera will save (i.e. from the inside cam - we are still upside down..). Also, the gallery doesn't recognize them as photo-spheres...
Just added another logcat for you:
Sorry I don't know how to make logcats shorter and more readable...
I'll let you know if I break more things. Thanks for the good work though!
Confirmed to be the same in Samsung Galaxy S3, Cyanogen 10.2rc
And the metadata for photos and videos still says 1 Jan 1970 10:00:00... Forgot that in the above wall of photos...
Is there an effective command that will logcat only things that are relevant Focal?
Update for the latest version:
External camera - fine
Internal camera - looks fine when taking but still upside down when saved
External Panorama - taken right way now, still saved rotated
Videos - still have rotation from camera, but also do this:
It places a weird grey bar next to the video your filming, but it doesn't occur like that once saved.
Also, everything still says 1 Jan 1970 10:00:00 as taken time, although other details are now appearing.
Sorry to bother, but any possible progress on this issue? This is killing me that all portrait photos are mis-oriented 90º. I'm also seeing photos from the front camera oriented 180º (upside down.) Thx.
Hey guys anyone has anything on this issue. facing the same problem of portrait mode.
This project is dead, it has not seen any commits in 2 years... I think the correct answer is to find a different camera app :(