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get-source copied to clipboard

Fetch source-mapped sources. Peek by file, line, column. Node & browsers. Sync & async.

Results 3 get-source issues
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Hi, I ran into a possible bug: when I try to resolve a position in a file that isn't covered by an inline source map mapping, the `.resolve()` method returns...

Hi, I noticed that I seem to be unable to resolve sourcemaps in Node. Here is [a full repro]( with repro steps. Notice that, in my repro web app, Chrome...

node version: v19.8.1 node_modules/get-source/get-source.js:146 ``` resolve (nodeRequire ('fs').readFileSync (path, { encoding: 'utf8' })) ``` BECOMES ``` resolve (nodeRequire ('fs').readFileSync (new URL(path), { encoding: 'utf8' })) ```