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MVC-style implementation of routes and controllers for Koa.


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Koa-controller in a middleware for Koa which handles the routing of your application where related functionalities are splitted into routes, controllers and constraints. The module is built on top of koa-route middleware. It optimizes your code and brings the following features into your project:

  • Flexible routes handler with a single point of router configuration.
  • Application controllers for handling application responses.
  • Access control middleware with constraints for limiting requests to application controllers, handling user authentication and security.
  • Context tools for easy dynamic data manipulation.


Install the npm package.

npm install koa-controller --save

Attach the middleware.

var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
var kc = require('koa-controller');
app.use(kc.tools()); // optional

By default the middleware expects that controllers exist at app/controllers/{controller}.js, constraints at app/constraints/{constraint}.js and the router configuration file at config/routes.js. We can easily change the default behavior as shown bellow.

  routesPath: 'my/path/routes.js',
  controllerPath: 'my/controllers/{controller}.js', // note that {controller} is a variable
  constraintPath: 'my/constraints/{constraint}.js', // note that {constraint} is a variable
  logger: console.log // custom logger function

Note that routesPath and controllerPath must exist where constraintPath is not required.


Routes file is a simple key-value object where the key represents a route and the value represents a task. Create a new file and define your project's routes based on the example bellow.

// config/routes.js
module.exports = {

  // controller#action
  '/users/:id?': { to: 'users#find' },
  'post /users': { to: 'users#create' },
  'put|post /users/:id': { to: 'users#update' },
  'get /users/:id/words/:slug*': { to: 'events#words' },
  'get /event/:slug+': { to: 'events#index', constraint: 'api#ip' },

  // redirections
  'get /to/google': { to: 'http://www.google.com' },
  'get /to/home': { to: '/' },

  // using a function
  'get /events/:id': { to: function *(id) { this.body = ... } },


You check koa-route and path-to-regexp for more information.


Controller is a simple key-value object where the key represents the name of an action and the value represents a generator function that processes the request. Create a new file for your first controller and define actions based on the example bellow. Don't forget to connect the new controller with a route inside routes.js file.

// app/controllers/users.js
module.exports = {

  find: function*() {
    this.body = ...;

  update: function*(id) {

  words: function*(id, slug) {


Notice the this.body call? Every action inside a controller has access to Koa context. Check koa-route for details.


Constraint is a simple key-value object where the key represents the name of a constraint and the value represents a generator function that processes the request. Create a new file for your first constraint and define constraints based on the example bellow. Don't forget to connect the new constraint with a route inside routes.js file.

// app/constraints/api.js
module.exports = {

  ip: function*(next) {
    if (this.request.ip == '') { // allow access only from this IP address
      yield next;
    } else {
      this.body = 'Unauthorized IP address';
      this.status = 401;


Note that constraints are very much like controllers thus every constraint action has access to Koa context. Check koa-route for details.


By attaching kc.tools() middleware the context features are extended.


Type: Function Returns: Object

Parsed request body data. You can retrive only selected attributes by specifying a list of names.

console.log( _.form() );
// -> { 'name': 'John', 'email': '[email protected]', 'age': 33 }
console.log( _.form('name', 'age') );
// -> { 'name': 'John', 'age': 33 }