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Webinterface not showing up
I flash the ATMEGA328 succesfully and the esp8266 too. But when I try to go to the webinterface it shows the password dialog. I put it, but then, I always received a 404 error.
I flashed the espurna normal firmware and it works, but I only can process as a sonoff switch.
The console, only shows "[WEBSERVER] Request: GET /" when I received the 404 error.
There is another target "upload spiffs" in You need to run it for the webserver content to be uploaded to the esp.
I also am getting this and I am not using Platform.IO. No web interface at all. I get the login request and after that it fails.
you need to upload the webserver content even if you are not using no idea how to do it without
Please note version 1.0 does not use SPIFFS. Instead the web content is converted into a PROGMEM byte array and incloded in the main firmware image. You should have a index.html.gz.h under esp8266/sonoffsc/static. If you don't you can build it again following this instructions from the ESPurna repository.
I'm also can't get to web interface. After inputting default admin password I'm getting wrong credentials message. Browser console log gives 404 error. I'm using latest master branch.
Ditto on the "Wrong Credentials" this happens after I put in 'admin/fibonacci' into the WebUI's login. If I put in 'admin/foo' it correctly rejects that so it seems the issue is after the first round of authentication.
I imagine at this point the codebase has fallen a good deal behind core espurna but I can't seem the find same issue over there. I wonder if this has to do with a library getting updated sometime between Oct and Jan? Websocket related?
Some more info:
The error in the browser is:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED /auth:1
same for me. Wrong Credentials when i put admin/fibonacci. Any other password reject, the input mask is shown again. The index.html.gz.h is in the correct path. I also try to use the one from master branch.
*** SOLUTION *** Delete the Memory of the esp. Then flash the firmware. Than the sc will do the job!
I use -p /dev/cu.usbserial-00000000 erase_flash for this. It is possible that platform io can arrange this too.
@xoseperez @minipilot1300 Any other solutions for this problem? Im trying to log-in (also disabled login check in defines) but with lo luck (html Wrong Crenentials displayed even when Im putting right credentials :/)