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Lights JSON broken on recent home assistant

Open mcspr opened this issue 1 year ago • 8 comments

Noticed in gitter

Based on updated docs

"white_value" is deprecated and replaced with ["color"]["w"] and ["color"]["c"] combined with "color_mode"

Flag that defines if the light supports color modes.

A list of color modes supported by the list. This is required if color_mode is True. Possible color modes are onoff, brightness, color_temp, hs, xy, rgb, rgbw, rgbww, white.

mcspr avatar Sep 24 '22 05:09 mcspr

Some context. Plus, might be important to remember that HASS has a dev blog

  •, notice of removal in 2022.09
  • (color modes

mcspr avatar Sep 26 '22 10:09 mcspr

Hi, are you planning to release a fix for this HA change anytime soon?

mswiss avatar Oct 31 '22 08:10 mswiss

Fix is in the tree, just pending some testing for the concurrent WebUI changes for the binary

mcspr avatar Oct 31 '22 14:10 mcspr

I noticed this issue on a H801 I have had on 1.14.1 for a long time but only now getting into Home Assistant. I two-step upgraded to the 230112 nightly and it is now being provisioned in HomeAssistant, HOWEVER, it is only showing up as an off/on SWITCH. None of the color or brightness controls are being discovered, even though they are enabled. I have tried various reboot, enable/disable of HASS integration, mqtt json on/off, etc.. but nothing seems to help.

Edit/Update: I found a second entity that appears to be properly configured.. not sure why there are two, but it appears to be sent as both a device: switch with a trailing _0 as well as an entity: light without the trailing _0 . The light has a status of read-only which is preventing me using it in automations, even though when I choose it, I can make changes that appear to work.

mattster98 avatar Jan 24 '23 19:01 mattster98

HA might give some hints in the logger, where it processes MQTT subscription to homeassistant/+ Entity changes between versions were not really avoidable

  • we have switch_0, as you would with physical relay. we have this one set up through relay provider, if you don't want it upload config with "relayProv0": "none" (or, in terminal - set relayProv0 none and reset)
  • lights entity is a brand new one, since HA had breaking changes and it is no longer possible to use some of the old stuff without it completely aborting the setup

mcspr avatar Jan 25 '23 06:01 mcspr

What was the previous relayProv0 value? :) I didn't look before I changed it. It seemed to disable on/off functionality entirely, at least with my current setup.

I think the relay provider attached to the device is coming through the MQTT plugin, and the Light entity is coming via the HASS integration setting on Espurna.

Overnight the Light entity lost its "read only" status on the entity list.. and seems to be staying that way.

I found how to automate entities (I'm still an HA newbie). If it works at all I should be good to go.

mattster98 avatar Jan 25 '23 13:01 mattster98

^ del relayProv0 and reset

from MQTT side of things

1.14.1 did not have this single topic, so we had an extra relay to do state switches. This is no longer the case and lights work differently, but it is kept for backwards compatibility (and for people not using HASS; no need to change topics)

Both switch and light are separate entities when we publish to discovery topic.

mcspr avatar Jan 25 '23 15:01 mcspr

Thanks! I think what threw me off so much was how straightforward some of the simple relay (even multiple relay) espurnas still on 1.14.1 came into HA, but this one (and the others like it, as I eventually discovered) are quite different.

mattster98 avatar Jan 25 '23 16:01 mattster98