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Assembly Language Adventures exercises for Yasm on Linux
Assembly Programming Exercises
A port of the assembly programming exercises of Assembly Language Adventures to Yasm on Linux by blankwall.
This repository contains exercises for the Assembly Programming course. More information could be found at
Install Instructions
git clone
cd asm_prog_ex
sudo ./
. env.src
We only use sudo in this instance to ensure that YASM and GCC multlib are installed.
cd build
asm_compile test
If all works hello world should be printed and you will have a directory called assembly with a basic program in it. :) !
In order to clean up an exercises you been working on just use the following command to remove the build directory.
Assembling, Linking and running programs
Most likely that you have a x64 machine. However, this course is for running 32 bits programs. You will need some extra effort to assemble link and run 32 bits programs on your machine. The following steps give an overview of the assemble link and process.
automates this process. It currently installs two required dependencies: yasm
. On ubuntu 16.04 and most debian based systems this is done using the command:
sudo apt install gcc-multilib yasm
If you are using another Linux distro make sure to install yasm
To assemble a program using Yasm, run:
yasm -felf myprogram.asm
This will create a "myprogram.o" file on your system. Next, we need to link the object file, to get a runnable executable file. We can use gcc to do it:
gcc myprogram.o -o myprogram -m32
The "-m32" flag means that our program is a 32 bits program. Now you should get a file "myprogram". You can run it by typing on your terminal window: